Cerelian Survivor! Granolah Versus Saiyans!

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With Cumber defeated and Cooler killed... Future for our heroes seemed bright. Celeron decided to continue his training with Whis to control his mastery over Ultra Instinct. However, an unexpected guest appeared up on Beerus's planet: Carole.

After Nion's birthday, she realised something: she needs to become stronger than she ever was before if she's to protect her family. Whis's training wasn't meant for her, since she couldn't keep her emotions in check, so reluctantly, Beerus took her in as his trainee.

In the far reaches of space... Someone had just delivered 7-3 to a gang called The Heeters. Their leader, Elec, congratulated him... The hunter's name being... Granolah. A Cerelian survivor. His home was destroyed by the Saiyans in the past... He wanted revenge against them and Frieza, but he believed both to be dead... Elec told him that Saiyans still, infact, live... And that it would be a dumb move to attack right now. Granolah, at first, wanted to attack immediately but eventually he had calmed down... And left back to planet Cereal...

Meanwhile, on Beerus's planet, an asleep Oracle Fish uttered an interesting message...

Oracle Fish: Balance of power... shifting... The strongest in the universe... will soon rise...

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