I'm Back????(maybe)

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....wow it's been a long..long while

Um, first and foremost, Hello everyone. For those who've known me since I started this, good to see you again.

And for any newcomers, nice to meet you.

Uhh, alot has changed since I last left this book.

First of all I started this when I was 15.....I am now 18 years old.

I'm about to graduate high school in a few months, along with my associates degree. And I'll be leaving for college within 4 months.

I honestly didn't think this book would reach any kind of popularity

...speaking of


I'm just....WOW yall really seem to enjoy this content.

Speaking of content, if yall havn't noticed by now, I'm not exactly a writer anymore.

However, I am a graphic designer. And I'm going to school to continue studying communication design.

With that in mind, however...

I am CONSIDERING coming back to this book. Mainly because....half of it is cringy as shit. And I wanna see how much I've improved over the past few years.

But like I said, it's a MAYBE.

And if I do come back, it's not gonna be a consistent schedule. More just...randomly updated.

And as for my other book...the analogical one...yeah I'm not finishing that one. However, if someone wants to pick it up, please do so. It's based off the Masked Singer, except it's a high school talent show...take what you want from that

But uhh, yeah that's pretty much all I had to say. And again, thank you so much for continuing to support this book, and the other writers on this platform.

We may meet again, we may not. Only time will tell. But until then, I hope to meet you on the other side.

Later creeps♡

...I kinda missed saying that

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