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                             I would just like to apologize for not updating in over 2 weeks. I had alot going on. But I will try (keyword try) to update as much as possible this summer. It would help me if I had some requests as well. My creativity is declining, so that would help. But enough rambling. On with the story!

Third POV

It was Roman's turn to have his share of fun with Thomas' social medias(remember Patton's chapter). Of course, he'd pick Instagram, one most popular social media flatform known(in his opinion anyway).

Roman POV

Ah, Instagram. One of the best ways to purposly post picture of my self or brag of how I'm really obviously misculine and nice(get the refference!). But I don't always have to brag about myself, as my (boy/girl friend, romantic partner),Y/n does it for me.
  We've been courting for 8 months now, keeping a healthy stable relationship. They are the most beautiful, kindest, caring, amazingly voiced person ever! Speaking of voice, that gives me an idea for Instagram! I'll give singing tips, with the help of Y/N.

  Me and Y/n sat at the table while I opened Instagram.
(Ok, so I'm tired of writing dialouge this way, so I'll just type it like this)

Roman: I'm sure you all wonder how I, how I achieve such a beautiful, maloudious(?) voice all the time. Of course, not as beautiful as Y/n's.

Y/n: Awww, thank you my king!

Roman: Your welcome, my (roylaty).

Y/n: Anyway, it comes from hours and hours of conditioning, toneing...

Roman: (pulls tea out of noewhere) And of course, scholding hot tea..(sip)

Y/n: (confused) what?

Roman: AGH!(cough) Agh that's hot!

Y/n: ...are you ok?(Roman nods his head)

Roman: (clears throat) Mimimimi! That was pretty good though. No pain, no refrain...right!?(looks at Y/n)

Y/n: (giggling/chucking)

Both: (laugh)

Y/n: And of course, what better way to warm up one's vocals than with, tounge twisters. (Clears throat) Tim- Tina touched her toes, timidly, but they were...tasty...... I'm sorry, um, no.

Roman: Here, let me try. My matridly(?) mother made me mop up the makle mup on the....mavement? Ah, I don't know.

Y/n: Either way, I think we're good to go. Let's see, Ahghg! No.....aahhh! See, works every time!

After a long wait, I finally got this out. I think I'm gonna stop these type of chapters because they're too short for me, and I know that you guys must want longer ones, so I'm working on that. I do, again, apologize for the lack of updates. I've just been out of it, but I am slowly but surely coming back.

Be sure to vote, comment, follow, and request ideas to help keep this book alive. Until next chapter!

Later Creeps♡!

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