Innocence(Remus)part 2

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So, Deadly_Potato-Kun requested that I did a part two to this story, and Reesethehero requested that I did a Remus x shy!Reader, so I thought I'd incorporate both into one oneshot, hopefully that's ok? So recap, you're Thomas' innocence, which makes it harder for you to understand or grasp onto certain topics. Also happy birthday Roman! We love you, you precious, extra disney prince!

Third POV

   It was another day in the Sanders household, and another failed attempt for Remus to gain Y/n's heart. If only someone would take that big mourning star of his and wack him on the head so that he could finally understand that is version of "flirting" probably wouldn't work on the Innocent side...

   But no one wanted the risk, so the rest of the boys just stood back and watched as Remus tried day after day to get his messages across, only for them to get confused and look like a complete idiot. It also didn't help that they were more shy than anything. His first attempt sure didn't work, as he was dragged off by his brother while Logan and Virgil laughed. But he was sure today was gonna be different.

Day 2

Y'n stood in the kitchen making themselves a pb&j sandwich (minus the peanut butter if you're allergic). Remus came downstairs, looking around before his eyes landed on you. With his mustache twitching in excitement, he hurried over to you.

  "Hello there, Y/n!" They looked up at the mention of their name, then gave a small smile when they saw who it was. "Oh, um, h-hello Remus. I was just making me some lunch." They continued to spread the jelly over the piece of bread. Remus watched them for a second before an idea popped in his head. "Do you mind spreading something for me, as well?" Y/n looked up, stopping their movements. "Sure. Um, what do you want? We got peanut butter, there should still be some Crofters left, if Logan didn't eat it all already. Name your pick." Remus seductively leaned his elbows on the counter, getting closer to Y/n's face, causing them to back up slightly, a noticable blush on their face. "Your legs."

  Y/n just stared at him, and in a small voice asked, "U-Um...I'm sorry, what?" Remus smirked. "I want you to spread you legs for me~" Y/n looked really confused, before scooting their feet further apart from each other, causing them to squat a little. It was Remus' turn to look confused. "What are you doing?" "You asked me to spread my legs, so I did." Remus blinked a little before looking amused. "No, no, no, I meant I want you to spread your legs while-" "OK, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" Virgil interrupted him, speeding from around the corner, into the kitchen, grabbing Y/n's arm and running back upstairs, dragging them along. The whole time, Y/n shuddered, "W-wait Virge! O-ow! U-u-um, bye Remus! T-talk to you later!", as they dissapeared upstairs.

Once the two were out of sight, Remus let out a small sigh. "Why can't they take a hint?" He mumbled to himself. "Maybe because, um I don't know, they're the literal embodiment of innocence!" Remus didn't have to look up to tell who said that. "I just thought that they'd, you know, just get it." Janus sighed. "Remus, as mildly disturbing and intrusive as your thoughts and "flirting" tactics are, its harder for Y/n for these thoughts to absorb. They have a filter, heck, their entire existence is a filter. If you want to gain their attention, I suggest that you find...other ways to get your points across." Remus huffed. "And be like what, Roman?" Janus just gave him a look. "No, no way. I am NOT going to act like that walking  piece of black glitter." "No one said you had to act like him, but at least ask for help." And with that, Janus went back upstairs. Leaving Remus alone with his thoughts.

Day 3

  "Now, remember what we practiced. No-" "Using disturbing imagery as it will hold zero affect." "Good. And-" "No sex jokes because they will fly over Y/n's head." "Good. I think you're good to go, brother!" With a pat on Remus' back, Roman pushed him infront of Y/n's door. "You've got the notes just in case, right?" Remus looked down at his hand, seeing the messily writted chicken scratch in green ink. "Yeah yeah, but I doubt I'd need it." Roman rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Be grateful I even wanted to spare my time to help you." He began to walk off. Remus hesitated. "Hey, dork-face." Roman turned around looked annoyed. "Thank you." Roman's mouth turned upward, just slightly. "You're welcome Dukey." He finally went back to his room.

  Remus sighed before knocking on the door. A few moments passed before the door opened, showing Y/n in all of their glory. "O-oh, hey Remus!" "Heey. So um, could I come in, for a sec?" "Of course. Come on." They stepped back, letting the Duke walk in before closing the door behind him.

Both just stared at each other for a moment.  Y/n glancing around as to not meet his eyes, and Remus going back over what Roman had taught him in his head. Y/n broke the silence. "S-so, um sorry about what happened yesterday with Virgil." "Oh no it's just fine. But not as fine as your as-I mean, not as fine as your... hair in the morning sun." Remus inwardly cringed. Y/n gave a small blush. "Oh, um, thank you..." Not knowing what else to say, Remus took a small glance at his hand. "Of course dearest! I don't think you truly know the worth of your.. organs on the black mark- I mean of your mouth...YOUR SMILE! YOU DON'T KNOW THE WORTH OF YOUR SMILE!" Remus breathed heavily.

Y/n stood there, looking worried and concerned. "U-um, thank you Remus. But are you ok?" Remus was sweating. Why did his brother used such difficult metaphors for flirting? Remus looked up at Y/n's concerned face, then back to his hand, trying desperately to read the smeared writing. But his hands were so sweaty that it made it impossible. He sighed. "F*ck it." He licked his hand clean of the writing, walking towards the innocent side. Y/n in response walked backwards until their back was on the door.

Remus pushed their lower half on the door, capturing his lips on theirs. Y/n blushed bright, before relaxing a bit and kissing back. A moment passed by before Remus started getting a little hands, starting to tug at Y/n's shirt. He realized what he was doing before completely moving away before he could do anything else.

  Both stood, out of breath. "So um, yeah, I like you. Gonna take it that you like me back?" Remus asked. Y/n, still flustered and panting, could only shyly nod their head. "Great. Well, um. Do you wanna go on a date?" Y/n finally recovered slightly from shock. "Y-yeah. That sounds n-nice."

  Remus smiled, that slowly turned into a smirk, as he began to walk back towards them. That was until Y/n felt tugging. "Oh. Um, I think Thomas needs me." Remus kept walking. "Does he though? I know a little guy who may need more attention~" "W-well, uh, tell them that they have to wait. I'll be back in a little bit." They began to sink down, then quickly rose back up to give the duke a kiss on his cheek, then continuing to sink back down.

Remus smiled a little, before feeling tugging to, but not from Thomas. He looked down "Looks like it's just you and me, little fella."

Hhhhhhhh what happens next is left to your imagination, I'm leaving it at that.

Until next chapter,

Later Creeps♡!

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