How you meet(redo)

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Soo, while you wait for the next chapter, you deserve something to read while you wait. I know some people didn't like my original 'how you meet' chapter, which I don't mind. I wasn't aware of the different genders and sexalities at the time. So, it deserves a redo.


  You were taking your (dog/cat/any animal you want) to the park, and they escaped along to way. They ran until they came across a certain cardigain wearing clad. You apoligize for them jumping on him, and he takes it as not a problem.

He was actually cute so, taking a chance, you give him your number heading back to the park, leaving him with the biggest smile on his face.


  You took another shop to the mall for (whatever you want), since it was 'treat yourself' day. You stop by a disney store, looking for a (f/d/m) poster. You and another hand reaches for it. It belongs to man who looks like he just came out of a Disney movie.

  After some bickering on who should get it, he bought it and gave it to you. You asked to pay him back. He responded with, "perhaps you could repay me with your set of digits." You agreed, wanting to see him again. And, you also owed him something.


  You went out to, what you thought, an abandoned park. Climbing into your favorite tree in the park with (your/favorite/instrument), singing your favorite song.

  Little did you know, the park wasn't abandoned.

  A man with a patchwork jacket and dark eyeshadow questioned you being in the tree. Startled, you fell off the branch, but not badly hurt. He quickly apologized, feeling bad. You forgave him quickly, saying it wasn't his fault. The two of you starting talking and hanging around the park (literally, you love climbing trees). As it got close to night time, you explained that you had to get home before dark. He agreed, giving you his number so that you could continue to hang out and chat because "you seem like a cool person to be around", by his words.

  You didn't hesitate to accept the digits, with the both of you heading your seperate ways.


  You were, again, searching the shelves of the library for your favorite book. No matter how many times you read it, you always went back to check it out. For some reason, however, it wasn't in its original place. You checked the row again, without looking where you were going. You bumped into someone, making them drop their books in the process. You went to help pick them up, realizing that they had y/f/b.

  You looked up and was meet with a face wearing a 'styling pair of Warby Parkers' (old refference lol). You apologize again, giving him the book. He simply said that it was an accident that didn't really cause harm. He question about y/f/b, since you were staring at it for a while now. You explained how you were looking for it  after reading it for the ump-teenth time. It would be his first time reading it, and asked if it was a good title. That sent you into full geek mode, almost spoiling the book. He just stood there, taking in the review. After rambling, you finally introduce you name, and he does the same.

  He explaines that he'd let you know when he was done wirh the book so that you could check it out again, since you were so passionate about it, shaking your hand and walking off. You were about to question how he would contact you, when you feel a peice of paper in you hand.

Written on it is his name and his phone number.

Should I do Deceit and Remus?




Yeah sure, why not...


  You wait in line at the movie theater to see (a new movie you've been wanting to see). Its almost your turn, so you tried to pull out your ticket early....just to see that you left it at home. It take too long to go home and get it with the size of the line. Once the end of the line reaches you, you began to explain how you forgot yoir ticket, when the man behind you in line states that you were with him. You were confused, as you have never seen this man in real life. But you took the opportiunity. You checked his ticket to see that he was, also, seeing n/m.

  While walking down the hall to the screening room, he imtroduced himself as Deciet. It was weird that he would be named as lies, but you shrug it off as nothing.

  After the movie, you exited with a smile on your face a new contact in your phone.


(Imma leave this up to you guys, cause I honestly don't know. Comment your ideas and I might update it later)

So yeah. I was not happy with my younger self. I was (but still am) a cringey writer. The other prefferences will be updated and fixed later on. Until then!

Later Creeps♤!

(P.S, I realized that I have almost 7k reads! Thank you guys soo much. I'm thinking of doing a face reveal for 10k, idk, you guys decide. But also a question, should I update the cover again?)

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