A Dance To Remember(Virgil/Janus)

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Third POV

"You're invited to the Imagination Castle for the Annual Ball! ~6:30 pm~ All sides invited!" Read the card in Y/n's hands, written in golden, cursive writing. They looked up. "Ya know, you could've just told me to my face Roman, you're standing right here." "Oh, please. Besides, this was way more interesting." Roman remarked. "So, are you coming or..." Y/n sighed. "Yeah, sure princey, I'll come." "Hazah! A wonderful choice my fellow friend! See you at 6:30!" And with that, Roman was gone. Y/n blinked a few times, watching the prince walk down the hall, probably to go and invite another side to the ball, before closing their room door.

"Great, now I gotta find something formal."

~Timeskip brought to you by Roman angst~

Y/n checked the time on their phone. "6:00. I should probably start making my way to the castle." They looked up from their phone, viewing themselves in the mirror. They had decided on a (f/c) (dress/suit/both). They left their room and walked down the hall. At the end of the hallway was the big, rainbow door that had magic radiat coming from it, which led to the Imagination. Without hesitation, they stepped through.

Immediately, they were met with a beautiful sunset sky, filled with many colors. Some stars could be seen poking through. Taking in the wonderful sight, they were interrupted by a familiar, bright voice. "Y/n! Over here!" Looking down, Y/n could see Patton, who was a few yards away. Y/n quickened their pace to catch up to him. "Hey Patton. I love your outfit!" Patton wore a white and blue tux, coupled with a white flowing skirt instead of regular pants. "Thanks, kiddo. I couldn't decide whether to wear a tux or a dress, so I wore both!" He said happily, twirling around a little bit. "I love your outfit too!" "Thanks. We should probably hurry though. The ball starts soon." And with that, the two hurried towards the big, white and gold castle in the distance.

Once the pair arrived and made it inside, they were met with a room full of laughter and conversation. Not only were all of the sides there, but all of the villagers were also present. There were many decorations and food bars scattered around the room. Y/n and Patton scanned the room to find a familiar face in the crowd. Patton suddenly gasped. "Oh, I see Logan!" He then took off, still holding on to Y/n's hand. They were dragged through the crowd, trying desperately to follow. "Patton, wait!" Soon, the grasp on their hand was lost, leaving Y/n alone in the middle of the crowd. Looking around, they tried to see where Patton had went.

Turning around, the bumped into another body. "Oh, I'm sorry- Virgil?" Their face was met with another hidden by bangs and eyeshadow. Virgil wore a black and purple tux, with a bowtie that matched his signature jacket.(so, like his SvS tie, but a bow tie) "Y/n! Oh thank god!" He pulled them into a hug. Y/n was taken aback before hugging back. Virgil realized what he was doing, then quickly pulled away, a slight blush on his face. "Um, I haven't been able to find anyone since I got here. Plus it's way to crowded." He said, looking over the crowd of people. Noticing how anxious he was, Y/n took Virge to a corner of the room by a food bar, which was less crowded. Visibly he looked better, and mumbled a thanks. "I was with Patton a while ago before he went to Logan. I was actually looking for them." Nodding his head, Virgil looked around, hoping to find his other friends, but was unable to locate them.

"Yeah, kinda hard to find them in a crowd like this." They both just stood together, quiet. Then Virgil broke the silence. "H-hey, I actually wanted to talk to you...I um-" "THERE YOU TWO ARE!" Patton's voice interrupted him. Y/n gave him a look that said they could talk later. "Patton came racing to the two, with a nerd following behind. "I thought I recognized my precious-I mean dark edgy lord son anywhere." Patton said, quickly correcting himself. "Salutations Y/n, Virgil." Said Logan. He wore a simple dark blue and black tux. "I hope you two have enjoyed the ball so far." Virgil scoffed. "Sure...enjoyed." Y/n laughed a little. They then felt their stomach rumble a little. "I'm a little hungry. Imma go over to another food bar." The three nodded, staying in their places to continue talking, while Virgil kept his eyes on them as they walked away.

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