Pretty Eyes (Remus)

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They have pretty eyes.

  When I first saw them, I couldn't take my eyes off of them. They truly were thing to look at. Thomas finally let me meet one of his friends, and I couldn't be happier.

  They seemed to me distant of me, based on what the others may have said about me, but I am determined to change that.

I tried showing them my abilities, my amazing ideas that I give Thomas, but they didn't really like them as much. Ok, let's try something else.

I saw them playing Just Dance with Roman. Perfect. I teleported to behind the TV, jumped out and hit Roman, again, on the head with my morning star. I smiled big at them. They froze before checking on my brother. They later yelled at me for hurting him. I really don't care. I thought that they would see that as hilarious.

I decided to stand back for a while, observe them. They seem to like cookies like Patton. I honestly wouldn't blame them. Yeah, they seem pretty basic. Hanging out with Thomas and Virgil, asking for help from Logan. But they spend most of their time with Roman. Why don't they spend time with me? That will change.

I killed him. It was the only way to get their attention back on me. They should be happy. He's no longer a distraction. Everyone's afraid now because of what I did. Deceit is calling me crazy. Silly him, I've always been crazy.

Tonight, they will be mine forever

I asked for their hand in marriage. They said no. No. No! How dare they? After all I've done to keep us together.

They said they were engaged to Roman. No.  They are to me with me. They will be with me!

It's been a year now. The others fear me, but I don't now why. I was just making sure that nothing was in the way of our love. Yes, it meant that I killed my brother and possibly messed up Thomas, but I don't care. We are now together forever. My favorite pair of (y/e/c) eyes sits in a jar on my desk.

They truley have pretty eyes.

Anyone ask for Yandere!Remus? No, ok, well, have this anyway.

This was inspired by a oneshots I read a while ago, but I can't find it anywhere unfortunately. But I hoped this was enjoyable, somehow

Later Creeps♡!

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