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So, by show of hands, who's all seen the new bloopers video? (🖐🏽)

And, by a show of hands, who's a bit worried about the next Sanders Sides, hence the trailer? (🖐🏽)

Annnnnnnnnd, who all has new theories? (🖐🏽)

Ok, just checking. Hope you all are doing well, getting decent amounts of sleep, drinking enough water, eating daily.

I'm at a small writer's block as of right now for oneshots, but I do have an idea for a new book! Here's a little preview type thing...

  My name is Y/n, formally known as Agent 13. I'm a Guardian; someone who watches over "the specials". You know, the ones who have different facets of their personality. The job isn't hard, find out what's wrong with a facet, make sure the host is ok, and done. You're assigned a new client every week, the job only lasts a day. But, there are sacrifices:

1. Don't get attached to the client/ their "sides"
2. Never reveal your real name
And, most importantly,
3. Never fall in love

Roman x Reader

Coming to a Wattpad near you...

If you guys are interested in the idea, I'll start writing it. But if not, it's cool, I won't write it.

Anyways, hope to see you in the next chapter!

Later Creeps♡! (It autocorrected to "Later Crepes" omg)

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