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Request by sonderundertale! Hope you enjoy!

Third POV

  It was an early morning. Logan, Roman, Patton, Janus, Y/n, and a grumpy Virgil all sat at the table enjoying breakfast. Remus then came strutting down the stairs.

"Morning b!tches!" Roman sighed, rolling his eyes at his brother. "Morning kiddo!" Patton said, waving at the evil twin. Y/n looked up. "There's still some pancakes left in the kitchen if you're hungry." They said, stuffing pancakes in their mouth. Remus smirked. "Oh, I'm hungry for something else~" He looked directly at Y/n. Roman sighed even deeper, catching on.

  Y/n looked right back. "Oh, well there's also some scrambled eggs and bacon." Remus smirked even harder. "I'm feeling for something else to be scrambled~" Remus' mustache danced. Logan and Virgil looked up, glancing at each other before snickering. Y/n looked at them for a second confused. Then turned back to Remus. "Oh. Um, I don't know anything else that could be scrambled. Hey, Patton?" Patton was now in the kitchen. "Sorry kiddo. I gotta go...and um....hey Janus, can you help me with something?" Patton looked at Janus desperately. Janus looked at Patton, then at Remus, then at Y/n, then back at Patton. Catching on to the situation, he nodded his head and followed Patton back upstairs.

   Y/n looked back at Remus. "Sorry Rem. I don't know any recipes for stuff scrambled other than eggs." "I know a recipe. It's one of my favorites." Remus continued to smirk hard at Y/n. Logan and Virgil continued to laugh at the situation in front of them. Y/n blinked. "Oh, what's the dish called." Logan and Virge finally lost it, banging their hands on the table and hollering out. Roman had enough. "That's it. Remus come on." Roman stood up and walked to the stairs, dragging his brother behind him. Remus kept his eyes on Y/n the whole time until the wall separated them.

  Y/n looked at Logan and Virgil, who were still laughing and calming down. "Why are you guys laughing? Remus just asked for a scrambled dish?" "Oh, I'm pretty sure I know what kind of dish he was wanting." Virgil said chuckling. "What?" "He was attempting to flirt with you, Y/n." "Why didn't I catch on?" "Because you are Thomas' innocence. It may take longer for you to catch on the certain things compared to everyone else." "Oh, okay." Y/n nodded their head. Then stopped. "But, all the stuff that Rem said, what does it mean though?" Logan and Virgil face palmed.

Yeah so this is shorter than expected, but just consider it a filler chapter.

Until next chapter!

Later Creeps♡!

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