I Do Adore (Deceit)

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Everything you do it sends me higher than the moon with every
Twinkle in your eye you start a match that lights my heart on fire...

  It was no doubt that the half-snake-faced persona caught your attention when you two first met. Thomas introduced you to the Sides about a few years ago, but only he was truly interesting.

When you're near I hide my blushing face and trip on my shoelaces
Grace just isn't my forte but it brings me to my knees when you say...

   Deceit would be lying if he were to say that you hadn't caught his attention as well. He couldn't help but blush every time you laughed or whenever you talked to him. Slimy boiled could be walking down the stairs, but as soon as he saw you, he would practically fall down.

Hello, how are you my darling today
I fall into a pile on the floor, puppy love is hard to ignore when every thing you do I do adore

  His smooth mouth wasn't much help either. He may be a bad liar, but boy did he have words as smooth as a baby's bottom. Anytime he'd call you "darling" or "dear", you can't help but squeal on the inside.

  You tried talking to the others about it, only Patton could really help you(Roman was too much). He called it "puppy love". Basically, you love him.

We're as different as can be I've noticed that you're remarkable relaxed and I'm overly uptight, we balance out each other nicely

  The others said that, if it were to happen, it might not be a good relationship, as you two were really different. While, yes, you two had your differences, you two got along quite well compared to relations with the others.

You wear sandals in the snow, in mid-July I still feel cold
We're opposites in every way
But I can're resist when you say..

You constantly got on to him for wearing all of his clothes in the middle of summer. You knew that it wasn't good for his skin. He would just retort and say how you're never cold. You literally built a snowman with Roman a year ago with nothing but flip flops and a small hoodie. Patton got on to you about that.

  This was just more proof that you and Deceit wouldn't work out, but you couldn't deny your feelings.

Hello, how are you my darling today
I fall into a pile on the floor, puppy love is hard to ignore when every thing you do, I do adore

  Enough was enough. Deceit couldn't keep lying to himself. He would tell you the truth, regardless if you accepted him or not.

  You had enough. You were hoping that scales would make a move by now, but apparently not. So, you took it upon yourself to make a move.

Finding words I mutter
Tongue-tied twisted
Foot in mouth I start to stutter
Ha ha ha, heaven help me

  "Listen, Y/n. I'm afraid I have terrible news." You knew his way of talking after the years. You knew he was lying. "B-but it has come to my attention, that I may l-" You cut him off midsentence with your mouth. It took him a second to realize what was happening before kissing you back.

You two were able to prove them all wrong.

Hello, how are you my darling today
I fall into a pile on the floor, puppy love is hard to ignore when everything you do I do adore

I have literally no ideas for oneshots, but enjoy this one while it was still fresh in my brain

Later Creeps♡!

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