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Hello! Yes, I am back! And I've got some more book ideas, including a soon to com Analogical book and an art book, so be on the lookout for those. As stated previously, I will be ending this book soon, but it won't happen for a while. Now, who's ready for some slow burn romance!

Third POV

It was another normal patrol day for Roman, walking around his kingdom in the imagination realm. It was quite peaceful. There were the occasional thiefs that were caught at small markets or little kids needing help for their car stuck in a tree, but all in all, a normal day. That is until his brother randomly popped out of a tree, out of no where while on his walk.

"HELLO BROTHER!" Roman jumped back, hand on his katana in reflex. "Jesus! What do you want, Remus." Remus, still hanging upside down, laughed at his twin. "Oh, nothing. Just decided to join you on your little walk. Thought I may keep you company!" "No thanks. I'd rather suck on my own toes." "Oooo! If you do plan on such activities, please let me know!" Roman scoffed and walked around his hanging twin. Remus jumped down from his position. "Wait! Can I pwease join you? I'm booored." Roman looked back at his brother, pondering. "...Fine. But you better keep those rotten thoughts to yourself." Remus made a 'my lips are sealed' motion before catching up to Roman.

Less than thirty minutes passed before Remus started speaking his thought processes. "Say, do you ever think that mud would make a good lubricant. I can answer that right now, it really isn't." "THAT'S IT! If another peep comes out of you, I swear I will tie your mouth shut!" "...kinky" "WHY YOU LITTLE-" Roman had enough. He launched himself at Remus, sending him backwards towards a tree. Remus' back came in contact with tree bark, causing the said tree to shake. A couple of leaves fell off the tree, some of them fell off of a sleeping figure hidden on the tree branch.

The boys, oblivious to the figure nor the leaves, continued to fight, the sound of metal clashing throughout the forest. Eventually, the sleeping figure woke up by the tree shaking again. They jumped up with a start, nearly falling out of the tree. They searched the area before eyeing the two figures below. "Um, excuse me. Some people are trying to sleep here!"" The two brothers were too focused on each other to hear the voice.

Suddenly, both a mace and a sword went flying in two different directions. The sword flew up, landing in the tree bark beside the awoken person. Startled, they fell out of the tree, hitting the ground hard. They cried out in pain, loudly. This made both twins turn.

  They were treated by a mysterious person, dressed in normal clothes, but covered in mud and dirt, including half of their face. Roman rushed over to the hurt figure. "Are you ok?" The figure stirred, trying to sit up. "I'm fine...prince dude. Also, why are you dueling in the middle of the woods?" Roman looked back at Remus, who was also standing near, checking the injured person who fell from the tree. They both shared a glance. "No reason. Are you hurt?" "No, bruised maybe, but not severely injured." Remus walked closer. "I'm sorry for my brother's behavior-" "MY behavior?!" "You're the one who started it!" "Oh, I started it?!-" "I'm sorry to interrupt, but can I please have some help. My legs hurt." Still glaring at each other and feeling embarrassed, the twins helped the figure up. They leaned on the tree beside them for support.

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you in the tree?" Remus asked. "Oh, that's where I live. Or lived. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to me in the 'mindscape', whatever that is, but somehow I got to the imagination." They pondered. Remus spoke up."Why the mindscape?" "I don't know, off brand Luigi. But I've been told that I represent sarcasm." "Oh, well we can help you with that! We're both from the mindscape!" Roman said. " where is it." "Just through the big, blood red door in the middle of the fields." Remus said, as he and Roman help the person walk. "Say, what's your name?" "Y/n"

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