Snake of Norte Dame(Deceit)

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I suck at titles...
This was requested by Cutestlie

   "Stop them!", a voice boomed behind them. Faster, they pushed themselves to run faster. Y/N clutched the small bundle wrapped in blankets closer to their chest. The cold snow that fell on their shoulders didn't help their exhaustion. Y/N's husband, Janus ran along with them. Why were they running, you may ask? Well in this specific time, there's a certain judge who isn't too fond of gypsies, especially ones who he thought looked like they came from hell. Specifically, Janus. His special markings on his face made him look like "a creature from which the Devil himself wouldn't even claim as his own". It also didn't help that the two had a child. It only brought more danger to the little one's life.  

    The voices of the soilders were still behind them, seeming to get closer and closer. Janus and Y/n were running out of breath. "Janus, I can't run any longer." Y/n cried, slowing down. He desperately looked around. Just a few yards away was a small crack between two buildings, but if would be big enough for the two to hid in. Janus pointed ahead of them at the crack. Y/n followed his finger and nodded. Upon reaching the crack, Janus kicked up a lot of snow, blinding the soilders temporarily. While this happened, Y/n squeezed themselves into the crack, leaving room for Janus. He quickly slipped in the crack. They both held their breaths.

   Confusion could be heard from the soilders. Then a different  voice could be heard. "Did you find them, yet?" "No, Judge Patton. They've dissapeared." One soilder said. Judge Patton's horse walked around the area as Patton observed. He then looked back at the soilders. "Keep looking. They could've gotten far. I need those gypsies to be found!" The soilders quickly left, leaving  Patton alone. "I will find you, Y/n. You and those hideous beasts you call you family", he mumbled to himself. He took one last look at the area, be for galloping away.

   Y/n and Janus waited 30 more seconds before peaking out of the crack. Janus stepped out first, then grabbed Y/n's hand, pulling them out. "We're safe, for now" Janus said. "We need to get to my friend's house. It's the only way we can make it out of Paris safely." Y/n looked down at the bundle in their hands, unwrapping some of the blankets. They were met with a small, round face of a sleeping child. Y/n smiled. Janus went over to check on his son. "How in God's name did Virgil sleep through that." "Well, at least he didn't cry while we were in hiding." Janus looked behind them. "Come, the quicker we reach their house, the quicker Virgil will be safe."


  Later that night, Janus, Y/n, and Virgil would all be able to rest by a warm fire. Virgil layed in a basket of blankets, while Roman gently played with him. "So, you're telling me that this little guy was asleep the whole time?" Roman asked, looking towards the parents. "Yep. I can't believe it either." Y/n giggled. Logan entered the room carrying two bowls of soup. "You two should eat. If you were about there for nearly 4-5 hours, you're lucky you didn't get frostbite or any other serious injury." He handed the bowls to the both of them. "I'll get some milk for Virgil." "Thank you, Roman and Logan. You didn't have to do this." Janus said. "Hey, it's what friends are for." Roman said.

   Logan came back with a baby bottle. He handed it to Roman for him to feed the baby, as Logan isn't really good with kids. "So, I assume you two have a proper plan for your escape out of Paris." Y/n and Janus glanced at each other. "Totally, we have absolutely everything figured out." Janus said sarcastically. "Jamus, come on." Y/n said. "We...honestly don't. All we know is that we need to get to the outside gates." Logan shook his head. "Well, that is the main objective, but in order for that to be accomplished, you would have to-" And for the next 10 minutes, Logan explained a proper, yet simple plan for the family to escape. "And then, you'd have to cross this set of pillers, but there are soilders that guard that area every night, so it would be best if-" Logan was cut off by fake snoring from Roman. Logan stared at him expressionless. Roman looked up. "Lo, I love you, but this plan is so boring. Where's the excitement?" "I'm sorry, I thought you friends trying to escape the hands of a terrible, self righteous hypocrite while dragging a small child into danger was enough excitment." Y/n said. Logan smirked. Janus laughed a little. Roman mumbled an apology. "Go ahead, Logan." Y/n said afterwards. "As I was saying-"

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