The Prince and the Stable Hand(Roman)

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Hey Creeps! I am soooo sorry for not posting in over infinity years. Middle school got to me with honework, tests, and me just being downright lazy. So, I owe you. Imma try to push two chapters today, but we'll see. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!
(Hi, future 2020 author here! I'm just reviewing my old works since I'm bored, so I may pop up in the chapter every once in a while)
First POV

I can't believe this is happening. I was about to work on the castle grounds. They put out a sign asking for a new stable hand. And me loving animals, especially horses(sorry if you don't, now you do), I applied for the job. Weeks later, I get a letter saying how I was hired! I'm soo excited!

A few hours later, a cariage pulls up outside my little house. I've lived here all my life with my grandpa. He taught me all about horses and animals. That's why I love them now! But, he passed away last year. I've been alone ever since. He took me in when my parents died, and has loved me ever since. I really miss him(I am sorry if you've lost a loved one recently, I don't mean to make you upset by reading this).
(Future me: dang Jai, getting dark already I see)

I put my luggage in the back and clomb inside. The coachman looks at me and snickers. "What's so funny?" I ask, real confusion on my face. The coachman turns back around. "Its nothing. Just keep quiet peasent, and this will be a fast, easy ride."(future me: shut up!) I look at him in disgust. I mean, I know that I was born poor, but that doesn't mean that he could insult me like that! Why, I wou-. "We've arrived" They said all of a sudden. I look out the window to see that we were outside the castle.

Well, that really was a fast trip! I get out and grab my bag. As soon as I'm out, the cariage rides off. Rude. I think as I walk up to the gates. A gaurd asks the reason of my presence. I tell him that I'm the new stablehand, and he lets me in.

I enter the castle grounds in complete aww. It ws truley beautiful! In front of the door were to staff members. One had an orange hat on, while the other one was a bit shorter with pink and blue hair. They both walk over to me.

"Hi! You must be the new stable hand, huh?" The one with the hat said. I nod my head yes. "Welcome! My name is Joan!" They pointed besides them. "This is my partner, Talyn!" The short pink haired being waved. "So, you two are together?" I ask. They both look at each other shyly before grabbing hands. "Yeah, we are." Talyn responded. "Aww, you two are so cute. My name is Y/N!" They both smile at me.

Suddenly, a horn is heard. Joan and Talyn both start bowing, along with everyone else in the grounds. I didn't know what to do, so I bowed with them. I look up to see the princes walking through the gate. One had a dark blue suit with a black sash, another had a light blue suit with a white sash. Another had a black suit with a purple sash, and the last one had a white suit with a red sash.

I kept my eyes on the last one. I know that they all strangly look the same, but something about him that makes my stomach fill with butterflies. The red sash prince looks my way and I quickly look down again. He snickers and goes into the castle with his brothers. Once they're inside, I get up with everybody else. I quickly turn to Joan and Talyn.

But Joan is already looking at me. I raise an eybrow. "What?" I ask. They smirk. "I saw how you were looking at prince Roman. "Oh, so that's his name." I mumble to myself. I shake my head out of my thoughts. "No I wasn't, I was just curious, thats all. Anyway..." I say, trying tonchange the subject, "Where are the stables? I am a stablehand after all." Joan chuckles. "Follow me." They say a small goodbye to Talyn with a kiss and ushers me to follow them.

Soon we reach the stables. A grumpy looking older man is already there, scooping horse poop out of the stable. Joan tells me goodbye before going off to finish their work. I take a deep breath before walking up to the man. I tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and looks at me with disgust.

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