BLOOPERS 2: Electric Boogaloo

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You guys asked for it, so I am proud to present some more non-existent bloopers! Enjoy!



I was still laughing before I was able to hit record. I looked over at Y/n.
"I-it's a r-r-eally stupid joke." I tried talking, but it was sooo hard to stop laughing. Y/n nodded their head, still unable to properly speak.

"I got it from Y/n, it's, it' stupid." Y/n, who moved beside my so that they were in the camera too, was still giggling/chuckling. I wasn't any better.

"I-it's like-" Thomas continued to laugh. Y/n couldn't stop theirselves. Backstage, Patton was dying as well. It was 3 minutes, and the two were still laughing. Janus rolled his eyes. "You know, they can't hear to joke if you two keep giggling." The two stopped for a second, the looked at each other. This started back up the laughter train.

"Alright, cut!" Jai called.


Y/n: Anyway, it comes from hours and hours of conditioning, toneing...

Roman: (pulls notecards out of nowhere) And of course, scholding hot tea..

Y/n: (confused) what?

Roman: Ok, starting out, I heard some really weird noises from Logan's room the other day-

"CUT! Roman, the script says 'cup of tea', not the verbal kind." Jai called. Roman pulled the script out. "Oh, oh, my bad. Sorry." Y/n laughed. "Nice improv with the fake tea, though." "It's...not fake. I actually heard-" Logan came running into the room. "YOU DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING!"

My Little Nightwing(Virgil)

"Logan, bud. You alright?" I tried catching his attention. He blinked a few times before speaking. "B-but, vampires don't exis- how in th- but-you-" Logan then fainted. A couple minutes passed. "Um, I think he actually fainted, guys." Virgil said.

"Oh shit!" Everyone rushed over to check on Logan. He finally gained consciousness, looking around at everyone. "What happened?"

"I should leave that in.." Jai said quietly. "NO, DON'T LEAVE IT IN!" Logan called after her.

Who Are You?(Remus)

You can't prove it..." He said in a teasing voice. "Yes I can, you're eating cherry ice cre-." He shoved the whole thing, cone and all, down his throat, without gagging. Y/n starred at him in disbelief. "Well, can't use that one, can you." They only rolled their eyes, returning back to reality. Remus then smiled wickedly. "Ok, if my mouth really is red, then we should be able to make purple." He said, pointing at their lips. They forgot that they were eating blue rasberry ice cream. So, their lips were now blue.

"...that was really smooth.."

"So, I don't get to make purple..."

"Come here, ya stinky rat."

They pulled each other into a tender, loving kiss, holding everything they felt for each other...They continued to keep kissing. A minute passed and they were still lip locked. Now they were just making out.

"Ok, ok cut! Cut it out you two!" Jai called. Y/n had to physically push Remus off of them. Remus eventually pulled away. He then said, in a baby voice, "But we still didn't make purple..."

Holiday Special(All)

Hey, wait a minute." She announced, catching everyone's attention. "Has anyone seen slimy boi anywhere?" Everyone looked around, now noticeing a certain bowler hat wearing clad missing.

"Well, someone should go get him then." Jai said. Everyone kinda glanced at each other, waiting for someone to volunteer. They all looked at Y/n. They stood their, waving their hands around for a second, before laughing. "Ahh, who needs him...anyway." Everyone then laughed. "Sorry, I forgot my line!"

Love Storm(Logan)

Actually, I think I have a heater in my room. It should work." Logan nodded and stepped back, letting me lead the way to my room.
It was a bit harder to walk without bumping into something in the dark- "Owww, my toe!" Y/n hit their foot into the wall, causing them to drop their phone. They hopped on one foot, still in the dark. They then bumped into Logan, who couldn't see as well. "Ow, sorry." "AHH!" Y/n fell over on top of Logan.

"Cut! Someone get these two idiots a flashlight!"

I Do Adore(Deceit)

"Ok, Janus this is where you fall down the stairs-" "I'm sorry, what?"

"Yeah, the script says that you fall down after seeing Y/n-" "Um, no offence, but I don't think I'd actually fall down the stairs."

"...Can I push him instead." "VIRGIL NO!"

Pretty Eyes(Remus)

"I saw them playing Just Dance with Roman. Perfect. I teleported to behind the TV, jumped out and-" Roman ran to the other side of the room. "Nope! Nu ah! I'm not letting that happen again!" Remus sighed. "Come on, I won't even hit you that hard~" "Falsehood!" Logan called from off set. "Roman, let him hit you." Jai said. "Ok, scene reset!"

Snake of Notre Dame(Janus)

"Ok, casting time!" Jai said. "Starting off, or course, Y/n and Janus will be the lead roles. Also, you guys are gonna have a kid, don't ask. Um, Patton, you'll play as Judge Frollo-" "Woah woah woah, you want sweet, innocent, lovable Patton to play the wicked, monstrous Frollo?!" Roman said. "Hey, someone requested this, ok. Not my casting." Jai continued.

"Anyways, side roles belong to Logan and Roman." "OH COME ON! I don't want to be some....SIDE ROLL while you wait for your dinner!" "Roman, calm down. This isn't even your story." Logan said. "Thank you specks. Annnnnd, Virge you're gonna be the baby." "What..."


"I want you to spread you legs for me~" Y/n looked really confused, before scooting their feet further apart and...

going into a full split. Remus looked like he was about to explode. "You mean like this~" Y/n said seductively. Remus finally burst, laughing very loudly. Y/n joined him.

Off set, Jai also laughed. "Since when could you do the splits?!"

A Dance To Remember(Virgil/Janus)

Soon after, ballroom music began playing. Many of the guests paired up and began dancing in the middle of the room. "I should dance. I've been only eating this entire time." They looked around for a dance partner when their eyes landed on...

a random statue head. Y/n walked up to it, pulled off its pedestal, then began to swing it around. Everyone just watched as they waltz around with a head as their partner.

"Um, Y/n, you're supposed to walk to either Janus or Virgil." "I know. But this dude looked lonely so I thought I'd dance with it." "IT'S A STATUE HEAD!"

Virgil and Janus stood together. "Man, this honestly kinda hurts." "Oh, I totally don't feel you."


Suddenly, both a mace and a sword went flying in two different directions. The sword flew up, landing in the tree bark beside the awoken person. Startled, they fell out of the tree, hitting the ground hard. Both brothers turned toward the fallen figure. They stood up, slowly, showing their dirty face body. "...I'm gonna kill you two."

Y/n then charged at the twins. Both ran off in different directions. "DON'T WAKE SOMEONE UP FROM THEIR NAP, DIMWITS!" Y/n called after them.

Jai giggled. "Alright, another perfect oneshot made. That's a wrap everyone!"

Annd that is it! Hope you all enjoyed this second set of bloops from past one shots.

Until next chapter!

Later Creeps♡!

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