Who Are You?(Remus)Finale

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Finally, I got this done. And I'm really excited for you guys to read it. Enjoy!

Trigger Warning: Remus

Third POV

A few days had past since the 'trash rat' inccident. Logan still couldn't get over the fact that he was called cool, Patton was working on ways of dealing with the disturbing thoughts, Roman was more than likely scolding his brother about knocking him out, and messing with his friends, two of which he hadn't seen since that day.

Virgil seemed to lock himself in his room after everything had died down. Only Patton was able to see him as he rose back up in the mindscape, eyes watery, racing to his room. He asked what was wrong, but Virgil just pushed him aside, ignoring him, and went to silently cry in his room. But the others didn't know that, nor why he would be crying in the first place.(but we sure do....don't we..)

As for Y/n, they've been mostly ignoring everyone as well, rarely coming out of their room half the time. Only when they were called down to eat by Patton, after dropping off food to Virgil, leaving it outside his door.

Currently, Y/n was again, hiding in their room. Y/n couldn't shake out the thought of, him out of their mind. It wasn't because he was forcing in thougts, but he was still there. They turned to look at their closet door.

Did they dare? Would they really?

Slowly, they procced to walk to the door, opening it up carefully. In the very back of the closet, sat a small box, a box they swore to themselves to never touch again, but the pain was unbearable.

Opening the lid, they were faced with pictures that captured a previously shared happiness. Their memories, magical pictures that, you may not want taken, but once a memory is made, so is the picture. This box held a specific topic of memories.

They picked up one picture, the ice cream shop.


"Really..." Y/n said amusingly at their date. "Oh, come on. You can't tell me that doesn't look like a penis." Remus said, pointing to a cloud in the sky. Sitting outside, the two enjoyed icecream while pointing out cloud shapes in the sky. And of course, Remus would see more, mature shapes.

"........ok, I...I'll give you that one."

"Ha! You admitted it!"

"Shut up.."

Y/n was still amused at the trash man's humor. Its was a while before they pointed out that Remus' mouth was red. "Haha, uh, Remus, your mouth is red." Remus tried, and failed, to glance at his mouth, his mustage and nose in the way. He had been eating cherry flavored ice cream,but he had an idea.

"You can't prove it..." He said in a teasing voice. "Yes I can, you're eating cherry ice cre-." He shoved the whole thing, cone and all, down his throat, without gagging. Y/n starred at him in disbelief. "Well, can't use that one, can you." They only rolled their eyes, returning back to reality. Remus then smiled wickedly. "Ok, if my mouth really is red, then we should be able to make purple." He said, pointing at their lips. They forgot that they were eating blue rasberry ice cream (or any other ice cream flavor that is blue). So, their lips were now blue.

"...that was really smooth.."

"So, I don't get to make purple..."

"Come here, ya stinky rat."

They pulled each other into a tender, loving kiss, holding everything they felt for each other. But, Y/n pulled away before Remus could get handsy, otherwise, a simple kiss could turn into something.....much more heated(*insert lenny face*).

"Aww, it didn't make purple."

"...you wanna try again."

Flashback over~

Y/n wiped away the tears that threatened to fall. It really was a loving memory, but it hurt much.

"You, you still kept them..."

A voice came from behind them. But they didn't need to turn around to tell who it was. "I mean, I don't have a choice. The memories will always be there, whether I like it or not." They snapped back a bit.

"What are you doing here, Remus." They asked, turning to face him. He only sighed. "I just, want to apologize." This caught them off gaurd. "I'm sorry, about everything that happened a couple of days ago."

Y/n scoffed. "Yeah, you should be. You nearly embarassed me." They put the picture back in the box, closing the lid, and began to put it back in the closet. But a hand stopped them.

"Y/n, please. There has to be a way for us to stay together, without hurting Thomas-"

"Don't you think I've been thinking that?!" They turned around, revealing the small tears in their eyes. Eyes that showed mixed emotions, those of which Remus couldn't see.

Y/n sobbed. "I tried to figure out a way. I tried, Remus. But, there's no way we can work out. And you know it. But apperently, I didn't. I couldn't get over sleeping without you by my side. I missed everything about you. But my stupid self kept looking, trying to find a way back to you. And you want to know why?! Its cause I fucking love you, Remus!" They were yelling their heart out, tears flowing like rivers from their eyes.

Remus sighed, slowly making his way over to them. He opened up his arms, ready to embrase a hug from the other. Y/n didn't hesiate to return the hug, holding on to one another, afraid one might dissapear.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours before Remus spoke up

"I love you, soo much, BooBoo. And I know there's a way to make this work."

"H-how do you know?" Y/n sniffled.

He was hesitent for a second, before pulling the other in for a kiss. Y/n froze. This was wrong. There was no way this could work again. But, they couldn't ignore their heart crying out.
(Patton: *weird horn noises*) Giving up, they kissed back. After a while, they pulled away. Remus then kissed their cheeks(which ones, though...), licking away the tears that remained on their face. Y/n only giggled, having this used to be a normal thing between the two.

"Look", Remus regained their attention. "There has to be a way for us to be together. I believe it." Y/n only looked down. "....I don't know..." Remus sighed. "Ok. I'll find a way. If I don't, then you're free to never talk to me again, if you don't want to." "And if you do?" Remus only kissed them one last time. "Goodbye, love. May our love never part." And with that, he was gone. Leaving Y/n alone, silently hoping there was still a chance for their love.

Something Remus said caught their attention. The only way that they could be happy together, was if it didn't hurt Thomas. And since, to their knowledge, Remus didn't bother him as much as he used to....their relationship shouldn't be as bad, either. But, it also could. The only way to find out, was to ask.

So, with determination in their eyes, Y/n wiped away the rest of their tears, brushed down their clothes, and sank down to meet their host, face to face.

"Thomas....we need to talk..."


I hope that was an enjoyable ending. What happens to you and the Duke is totally up to you.

But, this was a fun, stressful story to write, and it took up a lot of my time, so I hope you are appreciated my hard work(jk lol)

Until next chapter!

Later Creeps♡!

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