Who Are You?(Remus) pt. 1

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Ok, some people wanted to read a Remus oneshot. If you don't thats okay. I know some people don't really like him. Fair warning, this does include some sexual dialogue. Trust me, I was a little uncomfortable writing this myself. This takes place during Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts.

Trigger warning: Remus, sexual talking


(A little backstory, you are Thomas' Passion. You go hand-in-hand with Creativity, and....you'll see where I go with this)

Third POV

"What is up everybody?(yawn)" Thomas said tiredly into the camera lense. After not getting as much sleep due to......something... He looked like a wreck. Some might say he looked a little like Virgil with the heavy bangs under his eyes.(Am I the only one who thought that?). "How are you all doing? Comment below, because the human contact will make me feel more like a person again..what? Hehe, sorry, that one's supposed to stay up here." Thomas tapped his head. "Hehe, help me.. Oh, there I go again."

  "Sorry, I'm just really(yawn) really, tires,,,,tired....can't talk....because of the tires. I couldn't get to sleep last night. And I think, with that new addition, that brings the grand total to,um,everything. Everything is going wrong in my life....even my thoughts are going wrong."

  Virgil suddenly popped up with Patton and Y/n after him. "Hey, come on no!" Patton tried to change the subject. Virgil looked a little uncomfrotable, while Y/n wasn't looking at anyone. "No,,, what are you talking about." "Yeah, sorry." Thomas yawned some more. "Lets talk about something else." Virgil finaly spoke up. "Yeah, lets." "Please..." Y/n spoke quietly, obvioulsy bothered by something.

  "Uh oh! Here comes the noblest Roman of them all! What up plebs." Roman popped up. Passion gave a small side glance as to say hi, and went back to avoiding eye contact. "Oh, hey Roman. We were just talking about something else!" Patton said. Y/n and Virgil both gave him looks as if to tell him to stop talking. Roman looked confused. "Um...what?" "What?" Patton continued. "Nothing, nothing else." Virge and Y/n desperatly tried to make Patton stop. Thomas glanced around the room. "We just talking about something, and never anything else." Virgil looked a little p!ssed. Y/n just shook their head. "Was that good?" Patton whispered at the two.

Roman stood there confused, eyballing everybody. "Wait, are you guys seriously not gonna let me in on what's going on here?" Y/n fiddled with their braclet (it's like the item you always have, like Patton's cardigain or Logan's tie.) while Virgil was suddenly interested in the stairwell post. "Patton already said, we were talking about something." Thomas tried to reassure Roman. "Singing to myself," Patton and Y/n sang, although Y/n was quieter. ", cause I'm not uncomfortable at all." Roman started to get annoyed. "Secrets, secrets, are no fun. Tell me now, or else we're done."

  Thomas sighed. "Look, you don't wanna know." "Unless you want to be deeply troubled." Virgil spoke up. "I DO!" Roman anounced dramatically. "Mystery loves company." Y/n blinked. "N- its misery loves company." They said, correcting him. "Not for me its not. I am not feeling any love or misery, because it is a mystery for me alone. I have yet to get my invite to the pitty party." Y/n sighed silently. Patton glanced around. "Thomas, come on, you can't have a bawl without a Prince!" Roman made dramatic gestures. "Just- leave it alone, Roman." "Seriously." Virge was no getting annoyed. Roman looked hurt. "Y/n, please talk to me." The said prince turned to his other friend. Y/n hesitated before speaking. "I-i'm sorry Roman."

"I can't believe you're making me do this." Roman then summoned Logan in hope of some input to the situation. "What do you need?" Logan asked. "Logan, do you know why everyone is so Moody B. Moans?" Logan sighed. "Oh goodness, are they still disconcerted?" "That's putting it alittle lightly, Logan." Virgil pushed. "Or, your reaction is a little too extreme." Patton and Y/n spoke again. "Well, that's easy for you to say."

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