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So, aparently I'm enough to get tagged. This is my first time EVER being tagged, so, I'm kinda happy that I'm doing something to get noticed a little. Anyway...

1)Do you have a crush? Yes, in real life, that we will never talk about....

2)What's your middle name? Nevaeh,(heaven spelled backwards)

3)What's your height? 5.5

4)Eye color? Dark brown

5)Last time you cried? Everyday of my depressed life... i dont wanna talk about it...

6)Biggest fear? Love. (Warning, I'm about to get personal.)No joke. I don't want to sound too much of a downer, but I, personally, don't believe in love. To me, its just a trap that people are too blind to see that they are in. They get hurt by someone they love as soon as they fall for them. And I would rather have a healthy life living alone, then to be burned with a memory of heartbreak......(i am sooooo sorry if i ruined your day)

7)Last song you listened to? My Immortal by Evanesance

8)Last person you texted? My mom

9)Favorite app? It's between Pintrest and Sketch(its an art app)

10)Tag 7 people(i changed it bc I don't follow that many people).


(I was tagged, like, weeks ago. I am sooo lazy)
Update, I'm working on a Logan x Reader chapter, so that will come out later today, if I don't have any intteruptions(siblings, school, etc.)

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Later Creeps♡!

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