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Our smol bean laughing. Hope you enjoy!(again, sorry, this is short)
Third POV

  Y/n couldn't stop laughing on the couch. They sat with their phone in their hands, on the verge of slipping out of them. Their boyfriend, Thomas, sat on the other side, looking over confused as to why his partner of 8 months was laughing so hard. Y/n finally was able to tell him the cause of such laughter, and soon, Thomas was laughing right along with them.

  Thomas wanted to share his laughter, so he pulled out his phone and recorded a story on instagram.

Thomas POV

  I was still laughing before I was able to hit record. I looked over at Y/n.
"I-it's a r-r-eally stupid joke." I tried talking, but it was sooo hard to stop laughing. Y/n nodded their head, still unable to properly speak.

"I got it from Y/n, it's, it' stupid." Y/n, who moved beside my so that they were in the camera too, was still giggling/chuckling. I wasn't any better.

  "I-it's like, 'man, that b-bouncy house is like, really expensive...why, why is it so expensive, that bouncy house...'. I couldn't finish because I started laughing again. "It's a stupid joke." Y/n was finally able to say to the camera. "But.." They attempted to finish the joke.

  "It's expensive because of...inflation!"
I stopped recording and dropped my phone, while we both kept laughing over the stupid joke. I will admit, they have the most adorable laugh in the world, and no one can change my mind about that.

I am sooo sorry for not posting. This past two weeks, we were testing and I couldn't bring up enough energy to finish these. But I hope you enjoyed! I'll maybe post another chapter later, idk, we'll see.

Be sure to vote, comment, follow, and send requests to help keep this book alive. Until next chapter!

Later Creeps♡!

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