Valentine's Special (All)

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So, I don't really have time to write individual oneshots for every favorite boi, so imma just make a prefference instead.


- Waking up to candy, teddy bears, AND morning kisses?! Yes please!
- Gets help from the sides to make sure that your day is perfect
- Will do anything you want to do that day
- Wanna go to the park? Done. Eat some seafood? You already know the answer. Wanna stay inside and cuddle? Immediate yes
- Takes the whole day to show you as much love and attention you eant until it gets a but annoying
-"Tommy, I love you, but can I please take a shower?"
- Ends the day with binge-watching any Netflix show or movies until you guys fall asleep


- He will make sure to get all of your gifts ahead of time
- Tries to make a card with help from Patton
- Doesn't know what else to do, so called on Roman for help
- Maybe a mistake...
- Shows up looking all dressed up and very...Roman-y
- You tell him he didn't need to change his appearence so much
- Takes you to a good-quality restauraunt
- After many hours of begging, he finally lets you cuddle him
- He's still confused over the whole holiday, but still does a great job celebrating only for you


- Waking up to singing and guitar music
- Literally treats you like the royalty you are
- Kisses any chance he gets
- The most romantic outing he can plan
- Candle light dinner, fairy lights, beautiful sunset, you name it
- Dances with you afterwards as your Dismey couple song plays in the background
- Shoos away Remus if he gets too close to you
- Binge watching Disney for the rest of the day
- Maybe, things get a bit more romantic afterwards, if you know what I mean...
- And if you do get there, Remus will ruin it somehow


- Anxious boi wants you to have the best day ever
- Will try to give you anything you want
- All you really want is his attention, his hoodies, and candy
- You know he doesn't like crowded places, so you just stay at home
- Nothing but video games
- If you're lucky, he might watch a romcom with you
- Showers you with affection and love
- Spends most of the time worrying if you'd leave him if he did something wrong
- You consantly telling him how much you love him and would never leave him. Ever
- Poor Virge is so exhausted he falls asleep while you guys watch movies


- Start the day off with you're favorite breakfast
- He wakes up early to make sure that it's ready on time
- Which means, he really tired by the time you wake up
- You send him back to bed for a few more hours
- Spend the whole day making Valentine's cards for the sides, Deceit and Remus included, and for each other
- If there's extra time, you'd also make a batch of cookies, cakes, and sweets
- Kisses almost every hour
- He won't stop telling you how much he loves you
- The entire day was so tiring, you end up falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch


- Did anyone ask for a super affectionate snek?
- He was lying if he said he didn't do anything for you
- Almost as bad as Roman
- Super romantic
- Is willing to do whatever you feel like
- Got you a stuffed snake with a heart and some candy
- le blushes anytime you give him affection
- Really cuddly
- Holds you in his six arms as you fall asleep on him

Remus (oh boy)

- So, he's a bit different...
- Show's affection by, not kissing, but licking (if you read the 3 part oneshot with Remus, you'd get it)
- Will lick you like a kitten to wake you up
- Gives you blood red roses
- Literally, blood red, as in covered in blood
- He gives a box of "candy", as in chocolate covered fingers
- He's not entirly weird tho
- Will give you actual gifts, as in a giant teddy bears
- Will wrap his slimy tenticales around you, and squeeze tightly
- It's one of his ways of giving affection
- Has even better plans once the day is over...😏


Ok, there you go. I hope you all had a great Valentines today!

Until next chapter!

Later Creeps♡!

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