My Little Nightwing(Virgil)

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Thanks SacredTrees Hope you enjoy! And keep those requests coming!

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Thanks SacredTrees Hope you enjoy! And keep those requests coming!

Trigger Warning: suicide, death and f l u f f

Virgil POV

I quietly walked downstairs, trying my best to not wake up the others. It's clearly 2:00 am, but I just can't sleep. I have Insomia, so nights like this is common. Usually, a nice, relaxing walk through the nearby forest (just pretend Thomas lives near a forest, ok) helps alot.

After a while, I come in front of a big, sterdy tree. This is the tree I normally go to at times like this. I sat between two of the roots that were sticking up, forming a bed-like shape. I got comfortable and layed back, enjoying the stars above me.

It was so peacful and quiet, you could hear a pen drop. Or, in my case, sobbing? The sound was coming from somewhere nearby. I got up and looked around the tree, trying to find the source. "Hello? Is anybody there?" The branches above suddenly shook. I froze with fear. Was somebody spying on me? Am I about to be killed?

I finally gather The courage to look in the tree. Fortunatly, its not a serial killer, but, someone who looks like a regular person. They were balled up, their head buried in their arms and legs, while silent sobs escaped.

"Hey, are you ok?" I call up to the person. They take their head out of their arms, looking down at me. They seemed to be afraid. "It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you. Can you come down?" I try to ask calmly. They don't say anything, but keep shrinking back.

It might have been my imagination, but I could've sworn their eyes glowed red. They shrink back more before suddenly jumping out of the tree and running away, at an amazingly fast speed. "H-hey! Wait!" I tried calling them, running after them. But they were too fast, and dissapeared in the distance.

~Time skip~


That was too close. I can't keep letting myself have these close encounters with humans. He seemed nice, but I'm a monster. That's all the world will ever see in vampires like me. And that's all they saw in (brother's/name)...

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