Love Storm (Logan)

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First request of 2020!

Thank you MABILLDIP for the request

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Thank you MABILLDIP for the request. If you want to send in a request, check out  the request log in the previous chapter. (The art above is my me. Just a little late night doodle.) Without futher adeu, lets get this story started!

Third POV

  It was another, cold, winter day at university for Y/N. Snowflakes fell outside as they returned to their shared dorm with Roman at their side. The two had known each other since highschool, making plans to hopfully go the same college in the future. During their time at the school, they managed to make new friends. Virgil, who was a shy, emo major in engineering, Patton, the eldest of the five, finishing hisnlast year studying to be a vet, and Logan, the smartass nerd that everyone had as their tutor at some point.
  The five got along quite well over the past two years. Sadly though, Patton left the university a year earlier, having finished his studying there, although he still remained in good contact with the others. Overtime, Roman gained feelings for the emo, and Y/n for the nerd. It wasn't long before Roman and Virgil became a couple, but Y/n kept their feelings a secret to Logan only.
  Y/n sighed, looking out the window of their dorm, watching the snow fall peacfully outside. Roman was in the kitchen preparing hot chocolate to help warm the two of them up.
  "Here you go." He passed the steaming mug over to them. They smiled in thanks and slowly sipped it. They turned their head to Roman, seeing him prepare to take a huge gulp out of his mug. "Not so fast, Princey." They said in concern. The two had a staring contest, before Roman tried to chugg his down in one gulp, causing him to spit it out, back into his mug, gagging and coughing. "See, what'd I say." Y/n shook their head. Roman continued to gag and wail around like a baby, trying to cool his mouth down. Y/n laughed and continued to slowly enjoy their coco.
  Hours past and it was soon getting dark. The snow that was previously falling slowly, now had picked up a faster pace.       Y/n sat at the desk against the wall, trying to finish their homework. Roman came from the hallway, and started to put his winter gear back on. "Where are you going?" They asked curiously. "I'm just going to see Virgil. We havn't been able to hang alot recently." Roman replied. "Oh. Um, ok then. Be safe, and tell Virge I said hi!" "I will." And with that, he stepped out the door, leaving Y/n alone with their thoughts, homework, and the falling snow.


  It's been about and hour since Roman left. The snow seemed to fall harder since the last time I looked out the window. Speaking of which, I've been sitting at this desk for a while know. I just don't understand this homework. "Ugh! I wish I had some kind of hel- Oh wait, Logan. He's helped me before, maybe he can help me again." I picked up my phone, scrolling through my contacts. "Wait. He might be busy or something. And besides, it's cold outside. Don't wanna make him walk in the snow." I slowly put my phone down. "Then again, it would be nice to hang out. Like Roman said, it's been a while since we've hung....alone...on a cold night...alone.... I mean who knows, we might even get to cuddle or some-" NO! I am NOT gonna sit here and dream about a fake fantasy with my crush...not gonna happen! I weighed my options. "Either get help on this stupid homework AND spend some time with Logan, or fail a class all because I can't controll my emotions." I finally called Logan.

One ring.....two.....three....

"I knew it, he's busy. And now I'm bothering hi-"

"Hello Y/n" Crap

"Oh, h-hey Logan, what's up."

"Um, nothing is really up with me. How are you?"

"I'm good, I was uh, gonna ask you for some homework help. I-i-it-s ok if you can't. I know it's snowing outside and cold, you know what forget I ever ask-"

"No, no it's fine. I'll be right over."

And with that, he hung up. Well, as long as we don't get snowed in or anything, we should be ok...

~One hour later~

We're snowed in.

  A news reporter was present on the TV. "There is a strong snowstorm passing ovet the area as we speak. We encourage you to stay indoors until the storm passes. The estimated time until the storm is over is about 2-3 hours. This is Joan Stokes saying, stay warm and stay safe." I turned off the TV. I can't believe we're stuck here for 2-3 hours! I'm guessing Logan noticed my look of worry because he said "Don't worry, Y/n. I'm sure that the storm will pass by quicker than you think." He gave a small smile. Ok, maybe this won't be so bad.
  About an hour had passed, the storm was still going outside. Logan has already helped me with my homework, but know he wasn't able to go home. Speaking of which, I hope Roman and Virgil are ok. I decided to call them. But because of the storm I couldn't get a signal. It was just me and Logan.
   Logan sat at the desk, book in hand. The light from the desk lamp lighting up his face perfectly, making him more handsome, if possible. I don't know how long I must have been looking at him, but I could spend an enternity looking at his face. "You're staring." Logan said, still reading his book. I blushed and quickly turned my head. I heard him lowly chuckle. He looked up, about to say something, before the power went out.
   I let out a small yelp. Me and Logan turned on the flashlights on our phones. Every light was out in the house. I got up to check the the thermostat. It was off as well. "Ugh, only a matter of time before we freeze to death." Logan looked at me. "I don't think that the house will get so cold that we 'freeze to death'." I sigh. "It's a metaphor, Logan. Actually, I think I have a heater in my room. It should work." Logan nodded and stepped back, letting me lead the way to my room.
  It was a bit harder to walk without bumbing into something in the dark. Eventually, I found my room door. I felt around the room until I felt the small heater in the corner. I sat on the bed, turning it on with a low hum.
  Logan sat beside me, a blanket in hand. I sat it in front of our feet. Logan wrapped the blanket around the both of us. I blushed and tried to skoot over a bit because I didn't know how close he wanted to be. He in turn, skooted closer. I gave him a questionable look. "The closer we are, the more body heat we are able to use to keep warm." I blushed again, skooting back over. Oh, I'm sure I'm giving off alot of body heat.
   I looked up at his face. Even in the dark, I could make out his handsome face. Be caught my staring. "You're staring again." I blushed, again, and turned my head away. "Sorry, I can't help it. You're too pretty." Wait, I said that out loud. Logan heard me. Oh great, he's staring at me. Now he probably hate's you. Great going Y/- "I could say the same to you." ....what... "What?" Logan's cheeks seemed to get a bit redder. "Um, I just find you fairly attractive." Oh my god. He thinks I'm cute. "Well, then I have to say the same to you, Logan." He gave a small smile. I didn't notice it at first, but our faces were inching closer and closer. It was too late for me to realize what was happening before our lips met. Logan's lips were cold, but I'm sure mine were the same. It was a small, short kiss, but it had feeling.
  We pulled away, both in awe. At the same time, I felt my eyelids getting heavy. Logan noticed and layed me down gently. After he say that I was comfortable, he began to stand up. I quickly grabbed his hand. "Please stay." He nodded and layed down beside me, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled closer to him.
  Being snowed in couldn't be better with Logan by my side.

Third POV

  The next day, the snowstorm had already passed. Logan and Y/n stayed cuddled up in bed. Roman and Virgil both returned to the dorm after a long night of being snowed in Virgil's dorm, not that they were complaining. Roman decided to go back and check up on Y/n. "Y/n! I'm back." He called, getting no reply. Virgil and Roman both shared a look. They spit up, searching the apartment.
  Virgil walked past Y/n's room, stopping to take a peek inside. He smiled at the image infront of him. "Hey Ro, come here." Virgil quietly called him. "Why are you whispering?" Roman called back. Virgik shushed him, pointing into the room. Roman peeked in. "Well, isn't that a pretty sight." On the bed layed Y/n and Logan, curled up in each other's arms, snoring softly. Virgil took a quick picture before Roman closed the door all the way, letting the soon-to-be couple sleep in peace.

Another chapter done. Hope you enjoyed! Until next chapter!

Later Creeps♡! (Seriously tho, do u guys like being called creeps, should I change the name?)

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