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So, with the many stories I've written in this book comes the many deleted dialogue, random author thoughts, and just straight up silliness I imagine coming from the characters as if it were a short film. So, without further ado, I present some bloopers from previous oneshots. Enjoy!(also, thx for 100 followers! Love you people!)

Tied To Your Heart (Thomas)

The string seems to get shorter and shorter as I make my way through the park. I follow the string as it leads me to a tall tree with a bench under it and....a man with his back facing me.


I slowly walk to the man, about to reveal myself. But then, he tugs on it again, causing me to fly over the bench, in front if him...

"Ow, what the heck Sanders?" "I'm soo sorry, I didn't mean to pull that hard."

"You know what...that's not bad. Ok from the top! Thomas, do exactly what you just did. Y/n, just keep going with the dialogue, k?"

Prince and the Stable Hand (Roman)

The coachman looked at me before laughing a little. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Oh, nothing." He responded. "Well, apparently there is something wrong, BESH!" "Y/N NO! CALM DOWN!"


"Um, Jai, this makes me seem like a stalker." "Don't worry about it, this is how you'd act anyway." "*offended Princey noises*"

Perfect (Virgil)

"Why don't you just lock yourself in your room and never come out?" Roman yelled. Y/n sniffled, running up the stairs- They then fell down the stairs.

"Ow! I'm sorry everone." "Reset!"


I reached on the door, as if I was trying to tough hi-

"I'm sorry, what?" "What, what's wrong?" " the cringiest script I've ever read." "Leave me alone, Virge. Alright, scene reset!"

Fate (Logan)

*reading the script* "There are many grammar mistakes in this script." "JUST ROLL WITH IT LOGAN!"


I looked up to be meet with eyes looking thought a styling pair of Warpy Parkers.

"I'm sorry, must you bring back this?" "Yes, the fanders love it."

Anxious Together (Virgil)

That was until I heard a smash coming from the kitchen...

*Y/n, desperately trying to break the plate* "Hold on, this is one strong plate."

Sacrifice (Roman)

" to let me borrow (y/f/d)."

"Noo, how can you ask such of me!"

"Gimme the movie, Princey!" "Never!"

*continue to chase each other around the set*

Snapchat (Patton)

He leaned over and whispered in my ear,
"I'll be your daddy any day."

"...*wheeze* I can't! I can't!" *Y/n laughs and blushes like a mad man* "Jai why?!"

Everyone laughs backstage

"Jai, please don't make me say anything like that ever again" "...sure Patton, I'll try."

Hope you enjoyed this little segment. I purposely didn't but bloopers for every oneshot just incase you guys want a part two.

Until next chapter!

Later Creeps♡!

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