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Thank you ArtForever728 for the awesome request, and sorry if this isn't what you fully pictured

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Thank you ArtForever728 for the awesome request, and sorry if this isn't what you fully pictured.

Logan POV

I never really minded living with my brothers, but after a while, their presence becomes imbearable. I concluded that the only way to keep myself sain was to go for a walk. Going out often helps me think.

I was walking down the street before realizing I had forgotten my usual cup of coffee. I, of course, wasn't ready to go back to the caous, so I decided on stopping by the nearby Starbucks.

The shop wasn't as full as it usually was, perhaps because it was a Saterday. Anyway, I walked up to the counter and ordered a regular cup with cream. I didn't plan on staying, so after I received my coffee, I continued to walk back outside. But before I was able to step out, someone bumped into me.


I was on my way to get my moring coffee, as a part of my daily routine. I tend to zone out when I walk anywhere, so of course I started walking subconsiously to the nearest Starbucks with my head down.

I was so zoned out that I didn't notice that I had already reached the door. I opened it, still looking down, and attempted to walk inside the shop, but I bumped into someone going the opposite direction. "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I looked up and was meat with the eyes of a man wearing glasses and a blue tie( I know its not just blue now, but I couldn't put it into detail).

"Oh, no, it was my fault. I tend to zone out at times." I responded with a small smile. His lips curved up a little as if he was trying to smile. I didn't realize that I was staring until just now. "Oh, umm, excuse me." I said quietly. He seemed to catch on and muttered a small "oh" before moving out of the way. I side stepped beside him into the store before he walked the other way. We both shared another quick glance before turning around and heading different ways.

~(insert a spongebob time skip frame) a few hours later~

Still Y/N POV

A few hours later, I made it to the library to pick up a new book. I scanned the book shelves carefully, marking off the books I had alreay read in my head.

It was a few minutes later that I had finally found the book I had wanted to  read. I plucked it off the shelf and started to read it. Again, I zoned out while reading and began to randomly walk around. I didn't realize this until I bumped into something, or someone, AGAIN for the second time today. This time, a little harder.

"Ow." I muttered. "Pleasent to see you again." A reconizible voice said. I looked up and was once again meat with the same man in a blue tie. "Oh, I'm sorry. I really need to break that habit of mine." I nervously chuckled.

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