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This is a half story/half songfic. I was trying to find a good switching vocals version of the song, and I just like the nightcore version. Please excuse the pronouns in the song. Enjoy! (Future me again! Let's do some more reviewing...*start Rythem Redux*
Third POV

Ever since they've first meet him, Y/N been in love with a particular emo nightmare. At the moment, they were catgorized as best friends, but mabye Virgil wanted to be something more, just didn't know how to bring up their relationship.

  You could say that their friendship was inbreakable. The two were always there for each other, when one would accomplish something, or just comforting the other. That's actually what Virgil was heading to do. As he climbed the stairs, he recalls the event that accured not too long ago...


Y/N and Virgil played video games in the living room. They were there by themselves, except the notice of Roman in his room. Logan and Patton had gone out for an "outing" by themselves, but the others knew they were going on a date.

Virgil was currently beating Y/N in Mario cart(one of my fav games), them in second and Virgil in first. "Ugh! Can't you just let me win ONE round, Virgil?!" Y/N slightly shouted, violently pushing buttons on their remote, sending shells toward Virgil's  character on screen.

"Sorry (y/n/n),but I'm in it to win it(not that creative, I know)." He announced, passing the finish line. "Yes! Another point for the Virge!" Virgil exclaimed. Y/N groaned and tossed their remote next to them. "How are you so good?" "I dunno. I just got skillz like that." He responded proundly. "Or mabye because you suck at everything"

A voice caused them both to turn twords the stairs. There stood Roman, looking unamused at them. (Now, I know that Roman would never do this in real life, but I'm just writing as I go. This honestly hurts me as I'm writing this. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME ROMAN STANS!) Y/N whimpered at him. He was never nice to Virgil, but also picked on Y/N. It broke Y/N's heart everytime Virgil would be  hurt by Roman's words, so they(Y/N and Roman) agreed that Roman would stop teasing Virgil and attack them instead.

"Leave them alone, Prince-underarms stink." Virgil said, moving up a bit so that he was infront of Y/N.  "Why should I? All they do is bring hate everywhere they go. They know that Thomas hates them, and mess up everything. You are now where near perfect! Now one could ever want you! Why don't you just lock yourself in a room and NEVER come out!"

Thats exatly what they did. On the virge of tears(pun intended),they ran up the stairs, to Virgil's room, shutting the door and locking it. Virgil called out for them to come back, but didn't get a response. He looked at Roman in hatured and disgust. But he knew that Y/N need them more right now.

Flashback over

Virgil POV

'And he calls himself a prince' I thought as I made my way to my room that holds the love of ny life. I stood outside it, I could hear their sobs through the door. I quietly knocked on the door. "Y-y/n? Its me." I didn't get a response, just constant sobs.

I felt bad that I wasn't right there next to them, but I knew its not good to push them. Not knowing what to do, I sat at the door, with my back against it. I sat there in silence, Y/N's sobs still echoing through the door. There was only one way I knew to calm them down. It always helped both of us. Singing. I know that I don't sing much, but this was for them.(bibadi boppidi boo, you can now sing. You're welcome)

Play the song above

Y/N - italics
Virgil - bold
Both - bold & italics

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