Stuck in quarantine w/ the bois

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I'm guessing that you guys may be tired of hearing stuff about what's happening in the world rn, but you're gonna have to cause I have a new ideas for preferences with the boys


- After hearing the news about quarantine, you basically had a mini panic attack

- "What about my friends?" "You mean we're stuck in the same four walls?!" "FOR HOW LONG?!"

- Luckly Logan was able to calm you down while also explaining the seriousness of the pandemic and why it was important to stay inside for the moment. (Explain that to the people who arE STILL TRYING TO GO TO RESTAURANTS LIKE STAY HOME!)

- In the meantime, you two got to spend alot more time together

- Re-reading books to each other since you can't really go and get more

-Logan's constantly reminding you to wash your hands

- Whenever you go shopping, he was to keep you away from all the sweets and stuff

- "No, we don't need ice cream, Starlight." "But Lo, please, just one candy bar?" "...fine."

- you ended up getting ice cream anyway

- All in all, Logan made the situation better for the both of you


- Not gonna lie, he was scared

- He couldn't help but worry about all the people out there

- He stressed naked until there were no more ingredients in the house...AT ALL

- You held him and explained to him that everything was gonna be ok, while the sides banned him from the kitchen for a while

- On the bright side, he could smother you with love and annoy the others with puns all day long, and no one could do anything about it

- You in return became his guardian, always making sure he kept good hygiene

- You had to keep him from licking his fingers anytime he cooked

- "But the batter is realllly good, and it's on my fingers anyway." "To the sink, Patton"

- He's upset, but he knows you love him and he loves you


- When he found out, he was kinda worried, but accepted it

- The sides, not so much

- Litterally everyone was panicking about something

- Poor Thomas couldn't function properly

- So, you went into parent mode and somehow got the situation handled

- He thanked you by cooking dinner

- Speaking of which...

- Let's face it, Thomas is still learning how to cook, getting better though

- The majority of you guys' time is learning how to cook

- Were gonna pretend the house didn't almost get burned down...

- You two enjoyed being by yourselves for a while..


- He flipped out at first, but was chill afterwards

- He grew even more happy when he realized he had more time to come up with new, amazing creative ideas

- ...until he realized how boring it is to be at home all the time

- So...many...creative blocks

- You tried to help him by doing a bunch of random crafts around the house with him

- That made him cheer up real quick

- Disney movie marathons, basically every night

- He even set up the house one time to make it like an actual movie theater

- He tried to refrain from visiting the Imagination, because the rest of Thomas' mind was on lock down as well...for some reason

- He had you help him with acting out random scenes from plays

- Poor boy was so tired from so many activities in one day, you boiled it down to maybe three per day

Remus (oh boy...)

- He was like Roman, a but worried, but soon got over it

- This gave him the perfect opportunity to plan Roman's murder

- "Imma kill my brother!" "REMUS NO!"

- You had to hid his mourning star temporarily, but quickly.gave it back when he got stupid crazy trying to look for it

- Some how are up almost everyone's deodorant, then got upset when no one could buy any more for a while

- When you did get more, you threatened to change the flavor of his deoderant to ice cream or something

- Attention span of a 3 year old


- You were basically his "mother" the entire time

- But, somehow he got you to play some pranks on the others, and it was fun


- The first thing he did was have a panic attack

- "I mean, I don't mind being inside, but being FORCED"

- He calmed down after a week or so

- You two did so much, but so little

- Staying up all night, hell yeah

- Not waking up until 3 am or later, hell yeah

- Playing video games until your hands are already know

- He did get even more lazier than normal, but honestly who could blame him

- He did kinda feel bad about Thomas not being able to leave the house though

- And whenever he got nervous about the pandemic, you were always there to soothe him, and he loved it


- Let's be honest, he really didn't care

- Not that he didn't care about Thomas, but he really wasn't interested in the situation

- "So, you're not concerned at all?" "No, I've never been a fan of politics."

- He just spends most of his time criticizing the others as they panic

- "And here we see a wild raccoon, who hasn't been seen out of his room since last week." "HISS!"

- The whole thing just kinda amuses him

- But when he saw how worried you were, he quickly changed his mindset

- He's always trying to make the situation seem less bad whenever you ask about it

- You soon got better, and attempted to calm the others down while he always stood in the sidelines, making his commentary

- "Goddammit Dee, can you PLEASE come and help me get Remus off of Roman." "Oh, of course I won't."

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