Holiday Special (All)

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T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, everyone pitched in to help bring a party to life. Patton baked and Y/N helped, Logan helped organize and Virgil yelped from over worrying about every little thing that could go wrong. Remus and Roman decorated the tree, fighting on what ornaments should be put up ("No Remus, we aren't using a bloody baby head as the star"). And Thomas and Jai (Yes, I put myself in this story) did last minute checks, making sure that they had good party games planned. Deceit was no where to be found. Jai just now took note of this.

"Hey, wait a minute." She announced, catching everyone's attention. "Has anyone seen slimy boi anywhere?" Everyone looked around, now noticeing a certain bowler hat wearing clad missing. Virgil rolled his eyes. "Why does it matter where he is. We already have to deal with one." He muttered under his breath, glancing at Remus across the room. Y/N noticed what he said. "Virgil, come on. It's the holidays. Everyone should be together." He only scoffed under his breath. Remus spoke up. "Last time I saw him was in his bedroom. And, let me tell you, it was a sight to see-" "Please don't." Roman quickly intertupted him. "Well, someone should go get him then." Jai said. Everyone kinda glanced at each other, waiting for someone to volunteer. With a sigh, Y/N spoke up. "I'll go get him then." With that, they washed their hands full of flour and sugar. "Hey Jai, do you mind taking my spot." They asked drying their hands. "Yeah. Sure." Jai happily took their spot next to Patton in the kitchen. Y/n took a slow breath before sinking down to Deceit's room. After knowing the sides for so long, they learned how to sink into Thomas's mind.

  When they opened their eyes again, they were in inside the mind palace. Looking around, they noticed that the mindscape didn't look too different from the house. Christmas decorations filled the living room. Walking upstairs, they noticed that the sides' rooms all had some kind of decoration on his door. All except one. Walking up slowly, They knocked on a specific black and yellow door. "Deceit, it's me. Are you ok?" There wasn't a voice that responded, but there were sounds, so it was clear he was still in his room. Y/n sighed. "Look, I know you might not enjoy all of our company as much, but, can you please come to the party." This time, there wasn't a sound at all. "It's the holiday's, Dee. I just think it would be good if we could all a famILY." Again, no sounds were heard. Y/n sighed again. "Ok, I'll leave you alone then. Just, at least come out for food or something, ok." And with that, they turned around to walk back downstairs. Behind them, a door opened. Y/n turned around. A gloved hand could be seen peaking out, before the rest of his body was seen. His face was down, looking at the floor as if it were the most interesting thing right now. "Why did you come to get me?" He asked in a low voice. "Because." Y/n walked back to the door, and stood infront of him. "No one should be alone for the holidays." Deceit finally looked up at them, looking at them skeptically. He thought for a moment. "Fine. I won't come to this amazing party." He rolled his eyes slightly. Y/n smiled. "Ok then. Come on, it's gonna start in about an hour." Y/n quickly sunk down, with Deceit following them.

  "Were are they, it's been a while. Virgil paced back and forth in the living room. "I'm sure they're fine, kid- Virgil." Patton said from the kitchen. "You know how Deceit is." Virgil only rolled his eyes and kept pacing. Thomas was busy findind some Chritmas movies to watch while Logan checked off things on his clip board. "Food, check. Games, check." Roman and Remus still fought over the ordaments.

  A few more minutes passed before Y/n was seen again. "Guys I'm back. And I brought someone with me." Beside them, Deceit appeared. As an instinct, Virgil hissed again. "Oh, and it's good to see you too, Virgil" Deceit smirked. "Now boys, come on. Not on Christmas Eve." Jai got inbetween them. Virgil snarled and joined Patton in the kitchen. Remus imediatly jumped on Deceit. "Hey DeeDee!" Deceit struggled to stand straight(gay) with the trash goblin on his side. Next thing you know, they're making out. Logan looked up from his clip board and shook his head. "Seriously you two." All Remus did was point to some Mistle Toe that was hanging above them.

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