Headcanon #2

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Guys, gals, gays, pans, bis, non-binarys, trans, ..........PEOPLE! LISTEN UP!

I really shouldn't be on this app right now, but I was binge watching Sanders Sides like any other normal fander, and my slow self is JUST NOW noticing this.

So, we all remember this scene from DWIT, right...

Ok, now compare that to this..

At a certain line, Deceit crosses his fingers. More specifically....

"....no longer will you decieve yourself about the uglyness within you."

So, as we know by now, Deceit may or may not have sent Remus to mess with Thomas and show him the not-so-good parts of him. Well....what if Deceit is still keeping worse things from Thomas, and I am talking worse than Remus, although I don't think that's possible.

But, for real tho, why would Slimy Boi cross his two of.....30....fingers (I actually went back and counted them). Is he hiding something as well????

I think this might have something to do with the next side.

Also, does ANYONE have any clue as to why people are talking about Roman getting his own series? Thomas tweeted something about the next video on his main channel not being SS or Cartoon Therapy, but something possibly new. And nearly 80% of the comments talked about Roman getting a series. I myself was confused and thought I had missed something like in a livestream, but I don't recall him saying that Princey was getting a series. AT ALL!

But anyway, thanks for tuning in for my 'Sanders Sides Headcanons at nearly 11pm'. Imma just make this a whole series.

You guys have a lot of really good requests and X reader ideas that I want to get out sooooo badly! But, I don't have time to make 3,000 word chapters. At least, 2,000. Those would take less time to get out, but they would be worse than my writing now. So, I'll keep that choice up to you guys.

Would you rather have me post more, with smaller chapters. Or, post longer chapters, but it would take a long period of time to get them out. Say, around the time Thomas takes to post a new video after stating that "it would be out soon" (jk, Tommy can take all the time he needs), which is around 82 years.

Until then, see you next chapter!

Later Creeps♡!

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