50k Special

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Soo, I ended up making this sooner than I expected, but thx for 50k reads! I'm really glad that you guys are enjoying my stories, as crappy as they are. But on to the special!(this is a bunch of random sh*t, and you still play as Passion)

"You HAVE to be kidding me..."

   Y/n facepalmed, watching from the sidelines the events happening infront of them. Sooo, basically the wedding didn't go so well for Tommy Boi, and now morality is basically taking back everything he said in a courthouse, while also confusing everyone around him.

   "It is indeed, very tiring to watch this whole situation be performed this way." Logan stood beside them. "I beleive I should make an appearence, but I don't want to be invasive." Y/n smirked. "I think I could help uou with that..."

And so, Logan made his appearences as a pop-up video game fact...person.


"I...I can't, anymore." Y/n rubbed their temples. They were getting a headache from the setting entirely. "You b*tch! You cheated!" Oh yeah, and Virge and Remus were playing Just Dance. Not a great combination. "How do you cheat in Just Dance, Remus?" "I don't know. Maybe because you're actually dancing?" Well, maybe if you would stop trying to TWIRK TO EVERY SONG, you would actually win." THE ONLY DANCE I DO IS TWIRK!" "THOT ALERT!"


Now, two of the three children. "Oh, my god can yoU TWO PLEASE SHUT UP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" Purp man and Trash Rat looked at the raging side infront of them, then went back to fighting. Y/n sighed. "Will you two please stop fighting, it's totally not annoying." "HISS!" Y/n reconised that tone. "Deceit." "Y/n." The two stood in silence, watching the discussion before them. Deceit then leaned over. "You know, I bet I won't be able to make it through one episode without disguising as someone else." "Nope."


"Annnnd, he was right."

(And now a little segment I like to call, Y/n's thoughts on the chaos infront of them, out of context)

"God damn, Patton, make up your mind!"

"Why Frogger, of all games?"

"Ohh, their games characters now!"

"Wait, what does that say...OH NO HE GOT OUT!"

"...really Remus."

"Soo, basically Deceit was right the whole time...damn."

"Patton sweetie...just stop."

"Deceit is pretty cute tho..."

"THE GLOVE IS OFF PEOPLE- ooo Janus..I like that name."

"Roman I beat your f*cking a**."

"Oh no, Roman please don't duck out. I don't wanna be left with Remus' cursed imagery!"

"Ohh, I know Moceit shippers are quacking right now. I don't know about Princeit stans tho...I should check up on them after this is over."

"But for real tho, Patton and Deceit make great parents."

"Oh hey Logan. Did you hear about Deceit's real nam- are you ok? Do you wanna talk about....and he's gone"

(Segment over)

  Virgil and Remus were now asleep on the couch. Logan came back safe, but sped off to his room. Patton is with Roman in his room. Deceit was the last to come back.

    "Soo, how'd it go." "I think Thomas finally got the idea into his head. How about you?" Y/n glanced back at the sleeping bois on the couch. They smirked evily. "NightQuil, works everytime." "Wow. Why didn't I think of that." "Ehh, maybe I'm just smarter than you." "I highly doubt it."

"....so. Janus, huh."

I...honestly don't know what the hell this is. I just typed. But regardless, thanks so much for 50k reads. It really makes me feel happy to see you guys enjoying the book.  Here's to more chapters in the future, and possibly 100k reads one day!

Later Creeps♡!

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