Part 4

196 9 1

"Yuta, I need you!!"

"Nakamoto Yuta, come here right now!"

Taeyong leaned on the counter as Jaewoo cried loudly in his high chair next to him. The two childhood best friends had decided to rotate looking after the baby and the other can manage the customers.

However, Yuta had disappeared five minutes ago, leaving Taeyong to manage both jobs. 

"Jaewoo, yongie is here" comforted Taeyong, picking up Jaewoo from his highchair "please stop crying"

"If you rock him gently, it will help"

Taeyong turned towards the customer who was an elderly couple, they glanced at Taeyong with a sympathetic look. 

"Ah thank you" said Taeyong, rocking Jaewoo gently "its just my partner is supposed to be here too but he has disappered"

"Oh I'm sorry about your husband"

"He's not-"

"We're not-" The elderly couple looked at each other with confusion as Taeyong glared at Yuta

"And here he is" scoffed Taeyong, bouncing Jaewoo on his hip  "where have you been?"

"I sorted out the flour spill in the kitchen" scowled Yuta, frowning at Taeyong "like you told me to"

"Well its your turn to look after Jaewoo" said Taeyong, handing Jaewoo to Yuta. Taeyong turned towards the elderly couple "sorry for the delay, what do you want to order?"

"Its ok, we totally understand"

"Can we please ha-"


"Hello, welcome to Lee and Na cafe!" greeted Yuta, as Taeyong sat at one of the tables reading to Jaewoo

"Hi, can we have five coffees and five pastries to go?" 

"Of course, it will be with you shortly" said Yuta, as the person paid "alright, lets do this"

"Nakamoto Yuta!"

Taeyong ran behind the counter, scaring Yuta and confusing Jaewoo, his eyes widened as he glanced at the customer who just ordered.

"What's up with you?" asked Yuta, as he made the coffee "can you stop that? you're scaring Jaewoo"

"Oh my god can you just listen?!" whisper-yelled Taeyong, "do you not know who they are?"

"Who?" asked Yuta, making his second coffee "the customers?"

"Are you blind?!"

"Stop yelling Lee Taeyong" scolded Yuta, shaking his head in disapproval "just tell me"

"They are the basketball players from the Seoul Sharks!" exclaimed Taeyong, "they are literally so famous, they literally played in the Olympics, how can you not know?"

"Of course I know who they are idiot" scoffed Yuta, placing the pastries in a bag and next to a drink tray "now can you stop freaking out"

"I'm not freaking out" scoffed Taeyong, rolling his eyes "also we may need some new workers"

"We can just ask our friends to help" said Yuta, "they're easy to convince"

"What about Jaewoo?" asked Taeyong, "did you seriously forget about our new family member?!"

"Of course not" said Yuta, "we can put him in a baby wrap carrier" 

"Come on, let's give those celebs their order" said Taeyong, picking up the bag as Yuta picked up the drink tray "lets go"

The three (plus Jaewoo) walked towards the five celebs who were sitting at a table, having a deep conversation.

"Hi, thank you for waiting" said Taeyong, as Yuta handed over the drink tray and Taeyong handed over the bag "i hope you enjoy the food"

"Thank you! I hope you have a nice day"

"I hope you guys do too!"

"I can't believe we just met the Seoul Shark basketball players!" 


Students gone rouge

Lee_yong: guys guess what?!

JminNa00: did something
happen to Jaewoo???

NaYu_uta10.26: why is
that your first thought


JminNa00: AND HE

JminNa00: AND A

Lee_yong: Jaewoo
is fine

Lee_yong: no

HngRnjn00: someone
rich bought all
of your food
in the cafe
and now you
are rich?

NaYu_uta10.26: fuck no

NaYu_uta10.26: also 
you guys have
a job

PsJsung522: last time
i checked no
we didnt?

NaYu_uta10.26: well now
you do

JminNa00: what's
the good news then?

NaYu_uta10.26: you
all have a job

NaYu_uta10.26: and 
the Seoul Sharks
team came 
into the cafe

Yng2200: WAIT

Cnl32001: OMFG

JminNa00: WOW

NaYu_uta10.26: yeah and
Taeyong was freaking
out the whole time

PsJsung522: as he should

Lee_yong: well anyway
we're on our way
over to your dorm now

JminNa00: okie dokie
do you wanna
stay for tea and
watch a movie?

NaYu_uta10.26: ofc
let's watch IT

HngRnjn00: FUCK YEAH

Cnl32001: FUCK YEAH

Yng2200: FUCK YEAH

Lee_yong: FUCK NO


NaYu_uta10.26: fun ruiners

Seen by: Mrk_Lee99, Hchnfullsun, Le_Je_n00, Channie_deer01 and Taro_otter00

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