Part 66

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This chapter contains themes of illness and scenes inside a hospital- please proceed with caution

"I'm scared" 

Myunghee and her sisters were stood outside of the hospital, their friends were somewhere else even though the family said it would no trouble if they wanted to come as well, however they said it might be too overwhelming for Myunghee's dad.

"It'll be fine Hee" assured Jaemin, as he held Jaewoo on his hip "don't worry"

"What if he sees me and decides he doesn't want me?" asked Myunghee "or what if he doesn't remember me?"

"He will" said Renxiang, patting Myunghee's back "now shall we go inside?"

"O-ok" sighed Myunghee, as she linked arms with her sisters "let's go inside"




Myunghee walked up to the room, the door was slightly opened and she could see inside. She took a deep breath before stepping inside, her siblings standing behind her every step of the way.


"Hello dear, how may I help you?" There was a man in the hospital bed with glasses on as he was reading a book. He has a big smile on his face as he greeted the siblings.

"Hi I'm Na Myunghee" explained Myunghee, standing at the side of the hospital bed "and I-im, I-im your dau-"

"My daughter" finished the man "my darling daughter"

"You know me?" stuttered Myunghee, as her dad held his hand out to her

"of course" said mr son "how could I forget?"

"I've missed you" sobbed Myunghee "mum never told me how to get in contact with you"

"I know" sighed mr son "she really is evil. but I am so glad you found me"

"Well I needed to" chuckled Myunghee "who else will walk me down the isle?"

"You're getting married?" whispered mr son, tears falling down his face "oh you're so grown up"

"When and where?" asked mr son "I would love to walk you down the isle"

"in nine months" said Myunghee "my fiancée would have loved to be here but he was wrapped up in a court case"

"That's how they met" said Renxiang "they're both lawyers"

"Oh I am so proud of you" sighed mr son "and thank you for telling me-? im sorry, I don't know your names"

"Dad, meet my siblings" said Myunghee "Renxiang, Hana, Jaemin and little Jaewoo"

"They plus our other friends helped me find you"

"Oh it is lovely to meet you" said mr son "I am son hyunjin"

"we know sir" said Hana "it is an honour to meet you too"

"Now, how about we have some tea and biscuits" started mr son "and you can tell me everything?"

"sounds good dad" chuckled myunghee

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