Part 64

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"So let me get this straight, you got threatened by some guy whose front steps smell like piss?"

"Yup basically" said Renxiang "how'd it go for you guys?"

"One of the potential dad's flirted with Myunghee" said Jaemin, laughing "its was funny"

"That's irrelevant" said Myunghee, shrugging "but I guess we've had no luck so far"

"Hey, I'm sure we'll find your dad soon" assured Hana, "don't lose hope yet Hee"

"Yeah, we have plenty of time" said Jaemin "we can do it"

"Thank you guys" sighed Myunghee "why don't we take a break and eat something?"

"I totally agree" said Chenle, as his stomach rumbled "there's a cafe right round the corner"

"Right then lets go" said Myunghee, linked arms with Jaemin and Hana "its on me"

"Oh no, you paid last time" said Mark, "let me"

"I'm the oldest so I should pay" said Myunghee, winking "don't worry you guys are family"

"Now let's get moving and start eating!!!"


"What if we contact all the guys on social media with your dad's name?" asked Jaemin, scrolling through his instagram "I'm pretty sure we could find him"

"I don't know anything about social media" sighed Myunghee "and is that creepy?"

"Nah, that's how my friend found her childhood best friend" said Hana "its easy"

"Oh how did she do that?" said Myunghee "actually, I think you guys should handle that"

"Sure thing" said Hana "but you aren't that old so im sure if we taught you, you'd understand it quickly"

"I'm literally forty something" scoffed Myunghee "you do the maths"

"Don't underestimate yourself" said Jaemin, "even Jaewoo knows how to use a computer"

"Great, comparing me to a baby" teased Myunghee "thanks"

"Hee" cooed Jaewoo, as he sat on Jaemin's lap "hee"

"See Jaewoo agrees too" said Mark "you can do it"

"Alright, here is your order" the waiter approached the table, placing the plates on the table "enjoy!"

"Mmh I've been craving this toastie right now" sighed Jeno, as he took a bite "its so good"

"I think this is what we all needed" laughed Myunghee "I think we will have a good afternoon"

"Don't jinx it" said Hana "we still need to finish our food"

"I don't believe in that stuff" sighed Myunghee, eating her sandwich "but ok"

"you should, its like good luck


Hi I am so sorry for not uploading in a long time and for this atrocious and short chapter- if you have any ideas for chapters please feel free to suggest them :) 

Have a lovely day/night/afternoon :) 

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