Part 11

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[This chapters contains themes of abusive and homophobic parents- please proceed with caution]

"So those assholes locked us in the storage cupboard for no fucking reason"

"I'm not talking to you"

Doyoung rolled his eyes as he leaned on the wall, watching as Taeyong was trying to break the door down.

"Its not gonna work" sighed Doyoung, "stop its useless"

"Will you shut up?" scoffed Taeyong, "this is literally my storage cupboard in my cafe!"

"This is your cafe?" 

"It's literally called Lee and Na cafe" 

"I thought the Na part was for Jaemin" sighed Doyoung "i don't know anyone else who has the last name Na"

"its for Nakamoto Yuta" said Taeyong, rolling his eyes "one of the people who were there for me when i needed to pick up the pieces"

"About that Taeyong, i think we should talk" sighed Doyoung "we left it on a bad note last time"

"What's there to talk about?" scoffed Taeyong, "you ignored me the day before the last day and then proceeded to break up with me"

"And you didn't even give me a reason why!" 


"No, i don't want to hear any of your stupid excuses" 

"Please just listen"

Taeyong raised an eybrow as Doyoung begged him with his eyes. Its seems like he doesn't hate Taeyong as much as the other hates him.

"There is something that I regretted hiding from you for the five years that we dated" started Doyoung, sighing loudly as Taeyong sat down on the floor next to him "my parents were horrible people since I was a child, however it seemed like they had gotten even worse when I came out at 15"

"I was hit every time I walked into that house and I hid the bruises with long sleeves. I didn't care that I was getting hurt because whenever I saw you, i felt instantly better"

"One day, my dad had somehow found out where you lived and was plotting to hurt you. I knew I could never let this happen, so on the last day of school, i broke up with you to protect you. So you wouldn't have any connections leading back to me"

"That decision helped protect you but it hurt you all the same. It hurt me too, I cried everyday because I missed you and being with you"

"Doyoung I-"

"I totally understand your anger and I will be totally ok if you don't ever forgive me but I just wanted to tell you my side of the story"

"I'm so sorry you went through that Doie" Taeyong placed his hand on Doyoung's shoulder, slowly patting it in comfort "why didn't you say so? I could have helped"

"I didn't want you to get hurt Yongie" sighed Doyoung, "you were the love of my life, still are"

"I- I"

"Again, sorry for sprouting so much information onto you like this" chuckled Doyoung, "you must feel very overwhe-"

Taeyong's hands found themselves on Doyoung's cheeks, and within a second, Doyoung had found himself leaning in and soon enough, they were kissing.

"You were the love of my life too" whispered Taeyong, as their lips separated "You still are" 

"However, maybe we could be friends first before starting things over?"

"O-of course" stuttered Doyoung, his cheeks turning red "i wouldn't want things to be awkward"


A series of loud knocks was heard, causing them to break their eye contact and look annoyingly at the door  "Have you guys made up yet?"

"Zhong Chenle, you better open this door before I break it down and hurt you"

"Is that a threat?"

"Its a promise" said Doyoung "from both of us"

"So you have made up then?" 

"Guys, they've made up! its time to bring out the cake"

"Zhong Chenle, I fucking swear to g-"

"Alright, alright! I'm opening it, jeez"


"Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday dear Jaewoo!

Happy birthday to you!"

Jaemin and Mark helped Jaewoo blow out the candle, as their friends watched with grins on their faces and Dotae were glaring at Chenle with revenge on their minds.

"I can't believe my baby brother is one years old" cried Jaemin, wiping away a tear ""it seems like only yesterday he was a baby"

"Jaemin, stop pretending like you knew him since birth" scoffed Chenle, "you literally thought he was five months"

"Shut up Chenle we all did"

"All except Mark" said Renjun, "he'll be a good match if you guys ever get together, he can help you manage your stupidness"

"Shut up or I will shove the cake in your face" threatened Jaemin, holding up the cake stand "do not test me"

"Jaemin! i did not spend twenty pounds on this cake only for you to shove it in people's faces" scolded Yangyang, "i will kill you if you do"

"You can't because then who will raise Jaewoo?" scoffed Jaemin, rolling his eyes

"You do this everytime" said Renjun, rolling his eyes "get better insults dumbass"

"Alright, everyone sit down and eat cake!" yelled Doyoung, scaring the others with his raised voice "this behaviour is annoying and you are not acting like adults"

"Exactly" added Taeyong "is this how you are gonna raise Jaewoo to be like?"


"So please just calm down and lets celebrate Jaewoo's birthday before he becomes a teenager" said Doyoung "and we're all like fifty years old"

"Well you guys will be one hundred" 

"Shut the fuck up"

"Language please, there is a baby here!" scolded Jaemin, rolling his eyes as he covered Jaewoo's ears while the oblivious baby ate his birthday cake "come on people!"

"So did you two get back together or-?"

"Shut up and eat your cake Lee Donghyuck"

"Alright then"

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