Part 54

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"Hi granny" Jaemin was sat in front of a large grave, a huge bunch of flowers in his hands "I'm so sorry i didn't come sooner"

"How are you?"

"A lot has happened since i last saw you. I regret leaving you for boarding school, you must have been so alone especially when Mum was forcing you to do things" sighed Jaemin "I'm in university now doing photography and i have a baby brother called Jaewoo!"

"And i recently found out that I have three older siblings, i hope i can meet them soon. However, Mum's still being herself but most importantly, I have new friends and a boyfriend!!"

"I will definitely bring them with me next time so they can meet you. They've been there for me through alot and so have you"

Soft crunches were heard behind Jaemin, he turned slowly with tears in his eyes. He couldn't see who it was as his tears were blurring his sight.

"Hi, so sorry to bother you but are you Na Jaemin?" Three women stood behind him, they had big smiles on their faces as they looked at him.

"Yes that is me" sobbed Jaemin, wiping his tears away "can  help you?"

"Oh thank goodness" exclaimed the taller woman "I'm so glad we found you!"

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" 

"How rude of us to not introduce ourselves" exclaimed the tallest "I'm Myunghee, this is Renxiang and this is Hana"

"We're your older sisters"

"My sisters?" asked Jaemin "wow, hi its so lovely to mee you"

"How did you know about me?"

"Well mum contacted me in the 2000s saying that i had another chance to make things right by taking you but i wouldn't let her ruin my life anymore" sighed Myunghee "she made me drop out of uni to look after these two, not that i hated it"

"I was just........."

"Too young" continued Renxiang "way too young"

"She sent our siblings to you?" asked Jaemin "how old were you?"

"I was twenty two and in uni when Rennie came along" sighed Myunghee "mum forced me to drop out and do nothing else"

"Then four years later when i was twenty six, along came Hana"

"I am so sorry she put you through all of that" said Jaemin, as Hana patted his back

"It's ok, I love them at the end of the day" said Myunghee "despite them being annoying"

"Hey!" exclaimed Hana and Renxiang "so how are you Jaemin?"

"I'm ok, i had just found out granny had died" said Jaemin, glancing at the grave "and i'm looking after out little brother"

"Another one?" said Myunghee "for a woman who hates kids, she seems to have lots"

"I know" sighed Renxiang "i just hope there's no more"

"We'll see what happens with her new boyfriend" said Myunghee "lets just hope there's not a new sibling"

"A new boyfriend?" asked Jaemin "i thought she says that work is more important than anything else"

"That and work" said Hana "she loves both"

"Hey, how did you find out about grandma?" asked Jaemin "did you ask mum too?"

"We found out about it on the news" said Renxiang "she was a very famous actress back in the day, and even when she had gotten pregnant, she priorities both

"I have no idea why mum turned out like she dd though, grandma was such a kind person"

"Anyway, a few years later when mum was 18 she became an actress but everyone referred her to be her mum's daughter" explained Myunghee "she became jealous of granny and forced her to retire in her prime, saying it would be good for her"

"But granny felt lonely i'd assume, her house is big and mum never visited"

"Poor granny" sighed Jaemin "i should have visited earlier, i feel so bad"

"I'm sure she'd understand Minnie, Mum never liked us visiting granny because she hated her" said Hana "but lets try to always visit her as often as we can"

"Of course"

"Na Jaemin!!" Jaemin's eyes widened at the voice of Renjun who was running towards him with worry in his face and a bit of anger "where have you been?"

"I went to see my grandma, i thought i wrote that in my note?" said Jaemin

"You did" said Renjun "but we are still worried for you"

"Who are they?"

"They are my sisters" said Jaemin, juestering to his sisters who sat next to him 

"Hi, I'm Myunghee!" said Myunghee "this is Renxiang and Hana"

"Thank you for looking after Jaemin all this time" 

"Of course" said Jisung "we will always be there for him"

"Hey, I'm Jisung, this is Chenle, Yangyang, Renjun, Jeno, Donghyuck, Sungchan, Shotaro" 

"Wow, you have so many friends!" said Renxiang "i'm so glad"

"Actually this is my boyfriend" said Jaemin, as he felt Mark placed his hand in Jaemin's "Mark, meet my sisters"

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Hana, looking at Mark with a smile "he's cute"

"Nice to meet you" said Myunghee "you better take care of him"

"I will, i promise" said Mark, holding Jaewoo on his hip "him and Jaewoo"

"That's Jaewoo? he's so cute!!" squealed Renxiang "were you as cute as him Jaemin??"

"I have no idea cause mum burned all my childhood photos" sighed Jaemin "that's why i'm gonna take lots of photos for Jaewoo"

"So Jaemin" started Myunghee "i have a favour to ask you"

"What's that?" asked Jaemin, patting Jaewoo's head 

"Well i'm getting married in nine months" said Myunghee "and i want to find my father so he can walk me down the isle"

"Please will you come with us?"

"Of course" said Jaemin "i will be there to support you"

"And we can find your father, Rennie's father and Hana's father" said Myunghee "i want us to meet them"

"When are we going?" asked Jaemin "i have one more week before the end of the term"

"We will go when you break up for summer" said Myunghee "i definitely want you to come"

"And your friends can come too"

"But isn't it your family trip?" asked Mark "are you sure you want us to come?"

"Of course" said Myunghee "you're family now"

"And it'll be fun!!" said Renxiang "we can get to know each other"

"I'd like that" said Jaemin "i'd like that alot"

"Now, are you guys hungry cause i am?" exclaimed Hana "let's go and eat!"

"You didn't even let us answer" said Myunghee, raising an eyebrow "what's up with that?"

"Shut up and walk Hee"

"What a bitch" scoffed Renxiang, rolling her eyes "who influenced her?"

"Probably you" said Myunghee "and keep your language to a minimum near Jaewoo"

"He's a baby, he probably can't talk yet" said Renxiang "its fine"


"Oh for fucks sake"


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