Part 69

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Hiya im back after being ill for a while, sorry about that. I am a bit ill still but im feeling better so yay :)

Anyway, enjoy this chapter :)






Today was the day. The day Myunghee was waiting for her whole life.

"Are you ready hee?" Hana was stood behind Myunghee, curling her hair while Renxiang did Myunghee's make up. Jaemin was sat on the chair next to Myunghee's with Jaewoo on his lap.

"I'm so nervous" sighed Myunghee, biting her lip "this is the best day of my life but, what if-"

"Hey, don't think negatively" said Jaemin "if you think like that, then you might do something you'll regret"

"Its not like im gonna run away" said Myunghee "im just- i dunno"

"I'm just scared that things will change"

"Alright then" said Renxiang "let me tell you this then. He loves you alot, he will never hurt you or abandon you. He trusts you so much"

"Don't worry about change because nothing will change. Everything is alright"

"Hey, you sound like the older sister not me" laughed Myunghee, tears falling down her face "how'd i get so lucky?"

"More like how'd we get so lucky to get an amazing older sister" sobbed Hana, hugging Myunghee "thank you so much"

"Aw my babies" cried Myunghee, hugging her siblings as they cried loudly "i love you all so much"

"Hey the wed- oh im so sorry for interrupting" the family turned to the voice, chuckling at their expression.

"Its ok Mark" laughed Myunghee as they wiped the tears away "thank you for telling us"

"Alright lets do this!"

"Markie!" cooed Jaewoo, as Jaemin handed him to Mark "Markie!"

"Hey Min" said Mark, as he and Jaemin kissed "how are you feeling?"

"I'm so excited" sighed Jaemin "my big sister is getting married"

"It feels weird to say that"

"Well you've recently met them so i can understand why you feel like that" laughed Mark "but you do act like you've known each other for so long"

"I know" said Jaemin "its funny how we bonded so quickly"

"It must be because of our experiences with our mum"

"Well im so proud of you" said Mark, kissing Jaemin's forehead "so proud"

"That was so sudden" laughed Jaemin "i love you"

"I love you too"

Mark and Jaemin both kissed Jaewoo's forehead as he cooed loudly, clapping his hands.

"It looks like you're the ones getting married" said Myunghee, grinning at the couple

"Whoops" laughed Jaemin, taking Jaewoo from Mark "sorry, we'd better go"

"I'll see you soon!"

"Bye Markie"


"I'm so excited" cried Renjun, as he slipped his hand in Donghyuck's "they deserve so much happiness"

"I know" sighed Chenle "especially after everything they've been through"

"Please rise for the bride"

The bridal chorus started playing as the doors opened. In came Myunghee with her dad's arm wrapped around hers, her siblings at either side of her with big smiles on their faces.

"She looks so beautiful" sighed Shotaro, their friends nodded in agreement

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Myunghee and Hyungshik"

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