Part 34

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( [" "] talking like this means its their inside thoughts)

"Hello and welc- omg are you two here on a date?!"

"No Taeyong hyung" said Jaemin, secrectly hoping that it was true "we're celebrating Mark's birthday"

"Oh" said Taeyong, looking as disappointed as Jaemin did "happy birthday Mark, oh and congrats on making it to the semis!"

"Thanks!" said Mark, leaning on the counter "i really appreciate it"

"So seeing as both of you are family of the lee and na cafe" said Taeyong "your meal is on us"

"What?" said Mark "but i promised to pay for the meal to Jaemin"

"That sounds like you're on a date if you are paying for the meal" teased Yuta, appearing from behind Taeyong "who's lying here?"

"We're not on a date hyungs" sighed Mark "just three friends hanging out"

"Alright then" said Yuta, taking Jaewoo from Jaemin "as it is your birthday, I'll escort you guys to your table"

"Ooh that must hurt being friendzoned" said Taeyong, as Mark followed Yuta "and he called Jaewoo a friend too, oh jeez"

"Shut up Taeyong hyung" hissed Jaemin, trying not to get Mark's attention "i bet its the same with you and Doyoung"

"Well unlike you two, we've actually confessed and kissed" teased Taeyong "unless you're not telling us anything"

"Wait what?!" exclaimed Jaemin "you guys kissed?"

"Yes" said Taeyong, pointing towards the table where Mark was waiting "now go to your friend who you secretly have a crush on"

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Jaemin, as Taeyong pushed him towards the table "Don't yell so loudly!"

"Are you ok?" asked Mark, as Jaemin sat down "you seem flushed"

"I'm fine" said Jaemin, glaring at Taeyong and Yuta who were staring at them from the counter "I'm just hungry, that's all"

"Such a shame I'm not gonna be paying" chuckled Mark "i guess there's always a next time"

"Why do you like paying so much?" asked Jaemin, as teasing grin on his face

"I like to take care of the people who mean alot to me" sighed Mark, running a hand through his hair "i guess its an instinct"

"Well i appreciate that thought" said Jaemin "I've never really had a parental unit before"

"Oh i'm sorry" said Mark, giving Jaemin a sympathetic look

"Its ok" said Jaemin "I've got my best friends and Jaewoo so I'm good"

"Anyway, why don't we see what's there to offer? I'm star-"

"I will always be here to help if you need me" said Mark, putting his hand on Jaemin's "me and your friends"

"Thanks Mark" stuttered Jaemin, his heart beating faster as he felt Mark's hand hold his

 ["Why is he so handsome and kind??? Oh if only he liked me back"]

["His pink hair and pretty brown eyes are so adorable. Ugh i want to kiss him so bad but he probably doesn't like me like that"]

"Its so painfully obvious" said Yuta, as he sipped a milkshake while he and Taeyong watched the two stare at each other "are they like blind or something?"

"I have no idea and that concerns me"

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