Part 74

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"So how's married life going for you so far?" Jaemin was sat with Jaewoo squirming on his lap as they sat in a busy cafe with his siblings. Hana and Renxiang both giggled as they sipped their iced coffees, Myunghee playfully rolling her eyes as she put down her cappuccino.

"I think the real question is" started Hana, dramatically putting her cup down "how was your honeymoon?"

"I knew you'd ask about that" chuckled Myunghee "what do you want to know?"

"Was it romantic?" asked Renxiang "did he treat you like a goddess?"

"Of course" sighed Myunghee "it was amazing and I had a lot of fun"

"Did you tw-"

"Don't even think about asking that when Jaewoo is here" interrupted Jaemin, glaring at Hana "I know you"

"I wasn't going to ask that" exclaimed Hana "Jeez you have such a dirty mind Jaemin"

"What were you going to ask then?" asked Renxiang, raising an eyebrow "I also know what you are like"

"I was going to ask....." started Hana, looking into the distance as she thought of something "did you two kiss?"

"That's not what you were going to ask" teased Myunghee "you are very predictable"

"I was not!" exclaimed Hana "anyway, please tell us everything"

"And I mean everything! I have never been in a relationship and has never experienced love so please give this one thing for me"

"Woah way to drop everything on us" said Renxiang "we all grew up in the same situation but only two of us are in relationships"

"I wish my partner would show up soon" sighed Hana "I hate being single"

"Hey, being single is great!" exclaimed Renxiang "not everyone has to be in a relationship"

"Just because you're a coward" said Hana "doesn't mean I am. I just need someone to confess to"

"Excuse me" scoffed Renxiang, crossing her arms "I am not a coward"

"Oh yeah?" said Hana "what about that girl you fancy? what's her name again? Wasn't it Jiwoo?"

"Shut up!" exclaimed Renxiang, her face turning bright red "I do not have a crush on her"

"Is she from your label?" asked Myunghee "what's she like?"

"She's in a girl group called Girls" said Jaemin "she's a really good singer"

"And Renxiang has a massive crush on her" teased Hana "but she's a coward. Like I said before"

"but I've seen the way she looks at her, its really cute"


"Oh my god" exclaimed Myunghee "you should totally confess then!"

"I can't!" said Renxiang, hiding her face behind her hands "she's like really cool and I get nervous around her"

"So how are you going to do a collab then?" asked Hana, holding her phone up "oh I'd love to see how this plays out"

"We're collabing?!" exclaimed Renxiang, grabbing Hana's phone from her hand "oh my god! oh my god! what am I going to do?"

"I'm going to mess everything up"

"Hey if Jaemin can get a boyfriend" started Myunghee, earning a glare from Jaemin "and I can get a husband"

"then you can confess to her"

"Excuse me, I am pretty confident" scoffed Jaemin "I literally confessed to Mark"

"But I heard he confessed first~" teased Hana "that doesn't mean anything"

"Shut up" said Jaemin "at least I have a boyfriend"

"Alright" scoffed Hana, rolling her eyes "don't fucking rub it in"

"Hey, no swearing around Jaewoo!" exclaimed Jaemin, covering Jaewoo's ears "he is a baby"

"Ah you are going to be a great father one day" sighed Renxiang "Mark's one lucky guy"

"We're not at that stage yet!"

"You never know, he might propose soon!"

"Oh my god stop!"

"Wait what were we talking about before?" exclaimed Hana "we completely went off track"

"You were asking about my honeymoon" chuckled Myunghee "but its fine, I like talking with you guys"

"No please" said Renxiang "I wanna hear everything about your honeymoon"

"Alright well-"

"Breaking news: legendary actress Na Chaehyun is being sued by her exes for obstruction of viewing [idk what its actually called, I am sorry!]. Her exes say her actions were unlawful and they need to be compensated"

"So that's where she is" sighed Hana "ever since we saw her at your wedding, she's disappeared off the face of the earth"

"Well I'm glad that our dads are sueing her" said Myunghee "after everything she's done to us"

"I hope she goes to prison" 

The siblings were sat in complete silence. Their eyes were all on the tv as it covered their mother's story, this is going to give them the happy ending that they deserve. Every single one of them.

"So... about your honeymoon" said Hana, as her siblings all glanced at her "where did you go?"

"I thought you knew" chuckled Renxiang "she told us in the groupchat beforehand"

"Well I broke my phone so I never saw it" scoffed Hana "by the way, holding your phone over a balcony isn't a good idea"

"Of course it isn't" exclaimed Myunghee "have you gotten a new phone then?"

"I'm actually enjoying life without a phone" sighed Hana "I got a flip phone instead"

"Great, now we can talk all about you in the groupchat" chuckled Renxiang "this will be fun"

"Fuck no!" yelled Hana "I'll be getting a new phone asap"

"what about the flip phone?" asked Jaemin "that might be a waste of money"

"It was a fake phone anyway" said Hana, throwing it at Jaemin "give it to Jaewoo, he'll like it"

"Omg baby brother's first phone" cried Renxiang, as they looked at Jaewoo holding the phone "he'll be texting in no time"

"So where did you go anyway?" asked Hana "was it hot or cold?"

"You're yes or you're no"

"You're in and you're out"

"You're up and you're down"

"You're wrong when its right"

"We seriously will never stay on topic will we?" laughed Myunghee, as she watched Jaemin and Renxiang sang 'hot n'c cold by Katy Perry

"But seriously where did you go?" asked Hana "can I guess?"

"It was Bangkok, Thailand" said Myunghee "how did you not know? you liked my Thailand posts on instagram"

"I thought it was a filter!"

"That's crazy"

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