Chapter32.You haven't slept in day's

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Anthony's POV:

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Anthony's POV:

“And she loved a little boy very, very much – even more than she loved herself.” – Shel Silverstein from The Giving Tree.

"Anthony woke up after what seemed like he was sleeping for days. Since the scandal started, he hasn't really slept. This is the first time he felt like he slept in almost five days. He rolled over in bed, looked at his nightstand. "Damn it's 9pm," he thought. He got up out of bed and went downstairs. He walked into the kitchen. "Why didn't anyone wake me up?" Martha smiled. "Because you haven't slept in a while, Master. What about Carter?" "He's fine.

He's with your parents. Any special request for breakfast tomorrow?" she asked. "No Martha, whatever you choose will be fine. I'm sure." "Aren't you hungry?" she asked. "Yes, I am famished," he said. "Sit, I'll make you a plate," Martha stated. She made him a plate then bid him goodnight. "A moment please, Martha.

I just wanted to thank you for sticking with our family throughout this whole scandal. We appreciate you, Master." "You are welcome. You are my family. Over 30 years of service, I wasn't going to leave when I know you need me more than anything," she nodded and smiled. "Goodnight, Martha," he said. She left and he continued to eat. He got up, put his dish in the sink, and left for his parents' room.

He knocked on the door and his mom answered

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He knocked on the door and his mom answered. "Come in." "Papa, you're awake!" Carter said. He climbed off the bed and ran to give his dad a hug. "What about you? Why are you not in bed?" he smiled. "Nana is reading me a story. Wanna join?" his mom asked. Anthony looked at her surprised. "Am I not too old for that, Mother?" "Maybe," she replied and touched a spot on the bed for him to climb in. He smiled at her and climbed into bed. His mom continued to read the story to both of them.

Carter didn't come about from marriage, but he sure was bringing great joy to the family. He couldn't remember his mom ever reading a book to him. He smiled. He was happy, but he still needed to speak to his parents regarding what happens next with them and the Coldwaters. He very much still wanted Karlie to be his wife. He knew it was selfish of him, but there must be a way to fix all this. He lay there just listening to his mom's voice. He felt a tear fall from his eyes. He was overwhelmed with sadness and happiness all at once. Carter fell asleep. His mom closed the storybook and took him up and brought him to his room.

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