1- The crash

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The plane trip started as usual, they where going to help another hospital complete a separation of twins, after all they had successfully completed a separation only a month ago. They where about halfway through the trip, Arizona was sitting up the front with a bag of medical supplies next to her, Derek and Meredith where behind her Derek next to the window and Meredith in the aisle, originally Meredith had been the one next to the window but had asked to swap so she could talk to Cristina who was sitting in the same row as them on the other side of the plane. Derek put his hand on Meredith's thigh, earning a slight grimace from Meredith as he squeezed it, but she quickly dropped the pained look after Derek shot her a glare, no one else had noticed it. Lexie and Mark where sitting behind Cristina deep in conversation. The bustle of all the people filled the air as the conversations continued, then a loud bang was heard and they all froze looking at each other.

Cristina's POV
I was chatting to Meredith, when I heard a loud bang, what was that we are in the air there is no way we could have hit something. As I look towards Meredith I can see utter fear in her eyes, something about the way she looks is different I mean we are all scared but her look is off. Then as if someone had hit a switch the plane started shaking, I could feel us starting to fall, the pressure was changing then I heard a scream behind me as I turned around I saw the back of the plane was missing and Lexie had been pulled away with it, I couldn't see mark so I'm assuming he got pulled away with the tail of the plane. Just as I start to look around suddenly everything goes black.

"Cristina!!! Cristina!!! I can hear some one calling my name, as I slowly open my eyes I realise I'm no longer the plane, above me I can see trees and I can hear ringing in my ears, Cristina!!!! Yang!!! I here someone yelling again, as carefully sit up I take in the scene around me. Part of the plane are everywhere, and as I look around I see where the yelling is coming from Arizona, I rush over to her and see she's sitting up she seems to be mostly ok minus a very obvious break in her left leg, it was bad enough she would surgery if they ever got back but probably ok enough she could walk on it.

A: Cristina are you ok what happened have you seen anyone else?
C: I'm ok I think I can here some ringing so I might have a slight concussion but other than that I think I'm ok, no I haven't seen anyone have you?
Arizona just shock her head,
A: what happened?
C: the plan crashed Arizona!
I yelled oblivious to the fact she was probably in shock, she looked at me then looked as if she was going to cry, crap I didn't meant it she's was in shock with a break that bad she probably isn't processing everything probably it's her body trying to stop her from feeling that break
C: I'm sorry, your in shock, I haven't seen anyone. We need to find them do you reckon you can walk
A: I don't know let me try
She tried to stand up but the second she put weight on her leg she screamed and fell back to the ground,
C: ok stay still I'll see what I can find to help you,
As I look around I realised the medical bag Arizona was sitting next too would have to be somewhere wouldn't it, as I looked around I found it,
Carefully using a bandage and a piece of metal I found on the ground I wrapped up Arizona leg trying my best not to use too much of the bandage we have no idea what shape the others are in.
C: ok Arizona I just need to find something for you to use to walk around on ok
I got up and looked around as I looked around I found a sizeable long stick Arizona should be able to use as a cane of sorts.
C: ok Arizona I found something can you try and stand for me, here
I said reaching out and helping her up before passing her the stick.
A: ok, I think I can make this work as long as I don't have to walk to long of a distance yeah I can make this work. Now let's go find everyone else...
C: hang on I think I see something, someone over there...

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