12- Waking Up

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Richards POV,
As I walked towards Meredith's room I had to prepare myself for what she would look like, I've known Meredith since she was a little baby, it's hard to see her suffering. As I entered her room my heart broke, she looked so tiny in that bed, was was already small but now without one of her legs. The poor baby.
I: oh poor, Mer
Izzie cooed running to be at her side. I followed suit sitting on her other side, both me and Izzie just sat in silence, both just trying to adjust to the scene in front of us.

In Arizona's Room
Callie's POV
Arizona was still sleeping, but is starting to stir, I hope she's ok and I hope Meredith is ok, I'm not sure Arizona could cope with anymore loss or negatives at the moment.
A: mmm,
C: hey it's ok, I'm here, are you in pain?
Arizona just nodded, her leg was still in quite a high amount of pain.
C: ok I'll get the nurse.
Callie pressed the call nurse and the nurse came in to administer some more pain medication, allowing Arizona to relax a bit.
A: have you heard anymore about Meredith?
C: no, but I can go check if you'd like.
A: yes please, I just need to know she's ok, she lost so much out there,
C: ok I'll go now,
I got up, quickly kissing Arizona on the head before heading to the near by nurses station.
C: hello, is there an update on Meredith grey?
N: are you family
C: no but..
N: sorry I can only give updates to family
C: no um she was in the plane crash I'm one of the people from Seattle Grace Mercy west
N: sorry protocol says only family
C: no you don't understand!
I started to yell, I just wanted an update on Meredith.
C: I am her family, well as close as she gets
N: you just said
C: just give me to update!
N: I'm sorry...
DrP: what's the issue
Dr port walked over,
N: this person is demanding private patient information I am about to call security
DrP: There will be no need for that, I told you earlier that the plane crash victims where a special case and Dr Torres here is on of the loved ones come out to support the survivors, it's fine I can take the case from here
C: I'm sorry
DrP: it's ok, what's the issue, is Arizona Ok?
C: oh yeah Arizona is fine, I was just hoping for an update on Meredith,
DrP: oh, right of course. Why don't you come with me and I'll show you to her room it might be easier.
I could tell something was wrong but I followed her up to Meredith's room.
DrP: I am going to warn you, we had to complete a more severe amputation then planned,
I was slightly confused by what she meant until I entered Meredith's room, as first I didn't notice as she had a blanket over he lower half, but as I got closer I could see even through the blanket that she had no right leg. It was obvious, they had completed an hip joint amputation. Oh god, poor Meredith. As I looked at her I noticed her starting to wake up, as did Richard and Izzie who where both sleeping either side of her. Richard and Izzie both say up quickly, none of us exactly sure what Meredith's state would be in when she woke up. As Meredith opened her eyes I could see the panic in them.
C: shsh, Meredith we are here it ok
R: Meredith you are safe now, do you remember being found and rescued
I: we are all here for you Meredith,
Everyone in the room cooed attempting to help calm Meredith down, but none of it was working, Meredith started to hyperventilate, she was getting to worked up,
M: Za..zz..zona... pwease
I heard Meredith cry in-between breathes, I rushed out of the room trying to find Dr Port, thank goodness she hadn't gone very far
C: Dr Port!
DrP: yes Callie
C: Meredith's she's... she needs Arizona.
DrP: Callie slow down, what's wrong
C: Meredith woke up but she's panicking, she needs Arizona to help calm her down I don't know why but she was able to ask for her in between her sobs.
DrP: Callie, I don't know if that's possible Arizona just got out of surgery as did Meredith and both are at high risk for infection.
C: I know but I can just tell Arizona will be the only one to calm Meredith right now,
DrP: ok fine, but just because of the special circumstances of this incident
Me and Dr Port made our way back to Arizonas room where she was watching tv
A: Callie, how is Meredith
C: shes... she needs you
A: me?
C: yes I will explain more but right now me and Dr Port need to move you to Meredith's room
A: ok

Arizona's POV
Callie is scaring me about Meredith but I trust Callie so I lay back down in my bed as Callie and Dr Port start to move my bed out of my room and down the hallway, it doesn't take long to get to Meredith's room and from outside I can hear her crying. They wheel me into the room, and put my bed on Meredith's left side so my broken leg is further away from her.
A: Meredith,
I coo attempting to get her attention, but it doesn't seem to work she is still sobbing, carefully I move my weight so I'm closer to her careful not to move my leg to much. I pull Meredith towards me, resting her head on my chest. Slowly I start to feel her breath calming down, but she is still crying. I remember that out in the woods, she seemed to calm down when I sang to her to I starting singing somewhere over the rainbow again, once I started singing I felt her slowly stop crying and before long she had calmed down enough to look up at me.
M: thank you Arizona,
She smiled at me then looked around at everyone else in the room.
I: Hi Mer,
Izzie smiled as she looked at her friend.
M: hey
Meredith replied, I could tell she was a bit overwhelmed but was trying her best.
R: how are you feeling?
M: actually ok, my leg surprisingly doesn't hurt that much.
Meredith sighs, as she said that I looked down at her right leg or the lack their of. Just as I noticed she also looked down questioning the lack of pain in her leg, as she looked down she pushed the blanket back.

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