33- Merediths House

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Meredith's POV cont

I wake up and the house is silent, at first I was confused as to where I was then I remembered the events of last night. My hands are both throbbing, I look at them trying to reassess the damage and I'm pretty sure the fingers Derek stepped on are pretty badly damaged. Crap what am I going to do,  I don't have my wheelchair my crutches are near the door not that I could use them right now anyway. Crap, what am I going to do, i start my trying to put the laundry back in order, I can't hear Derek or Zola so he must have taken her to work this morning. I try to check the time but that's when I remembered Derek smashed my phone, and just go top it all off I feel extremely nauseous. 

Arizona's POV

I've been stressed all night, Derek seemed angry when they left and I told Meredith to text me but she never did, normally she always does she waits until Derek falls asleep then sends me a message and she didn't even do that. I'm sure it's fine, I'm meant to be heading over there today anyway so I'll just check on her then. Just then I hear Callie coming towards the bedroom, I need to tell her about my feelings and that I want to breakup.
Morning Mi Amore," Callie said, leaning in to kiss me
"Morning" I reply, I need to tell her, "Calliope?" I ask trying my best to hold back the emotions from my words

Callie's POV
"Calliope?" I heard Arizona ask, I could tell she was trying to hide it but I could here the emotions in her voice
"Yes" I reply hesitantly, I have a feeling I know what she is going to say and I can't help but feel years start to build behind my eyes, I know it will make her happy but I love my Zona.

Arizona's POV
I can see the tears forming in Callie eyes, I know she knows I'm going to tell her something that would end us.
"I need to.." I start but I can see her face falling, I do love her so much and I hate seeing her sad, I'm doing this. I'm hurting her...

Callie's POV
I can't help myself I can feel the tears starting to fall from my eyes,
"I need to..." she starts but stops,
"I need to go to Starbucks before you drop me at Meredith I promised her I would bring breakfast."
Oh that, wait what, I
"Oh ok sure," I replied confused, I thought she was breaking up with me.
"Is everything ok?" She asks grabbing my hand,
"Yeah, it's just I thought, never mind, let's get going if we are going to make it to Starbucks before I need to get to work" I reply, holding her hand in mine before going to get Sofia ready for the day.
"Oh Calliope...?" she calls just as I leave the room, my heart stops for a second as I hear that phrase for the second time this morning, but it eased a little by the joy in Arizona's voice.
"Yes Mi Amore" I reply sticking my head back in the door, smiling to myself as I see her starting to get changed, she was beautiful.
"Can you take Sofia to the hospital today, I've made plans with Meredith that will be easier without the children" she asks, and I smile somehow this feel like a regular day yet not at the same time.

Arizona's POV

"Can you take Sofia to the hospital today, I've made plans with Meredith that will be easier without the children" I ask Callie as I get changed, it wasn't completely a lie but I just had a bad feeling about Meredith I didn't want to have to deal with Sofia there as well.
"Sure Ari." She sings from the doorway, before leaving
I smile as I hear her start singing to Sofia to wake her up, I love that she does that.

Later at Meredith house.

I smile at Callie and Sofia as they drop me off at Meredith house, before heading to the door. I noticed the door was locked which was a bit weird Meredith normally leaves the door open for me, I know it's not the safest but it makes it easier for her then having to wheel her way over to the door and unlock it for me. I knock carefully, but I don't get an answer. Ok I'm definitely worried now, Meredith didn't message me last night and she definitely would have messaged me if she wasn't going to be home. Something is definitely wrong, I have to get in to her, I try to remember if Meredith ever left a spare key anywhere, that's it there is one hidden the in the flower pot. I quickly grab it an unlock the door.

Meredith's POV
I don't know what I'm going to do I need me chair but I can't contact Arizona, my hand is also throbbing now more than it was then I woke up, but if I go to the hospital Derek will know.
Suddenly I hear the front door opening, oh no please don't me Derek. No he can't, I can feel my thoughts spinning in my head again, no please I, I don't know what to do.

Arizona's POV
"Meredith," I call out gently I don't want to yell but I'm worried, as I enter the door I notice her crutches are thrown on the floor near the door that's not a good sign.
"Meredith" I call again, then I hear something coming from the kitchen, I rush in we'll as fast as my leg will let me.
That's when I see her,
"Oh Meredith," I rush to her side, she's sitting on the floor rocking back and forth,
"No, no no please" she's crying,
I try to pull her into my lap but she fights me,
"Mer it's ok if me, it's Zona" I tried to soothe her but it wasn't working.
"Oh mer," I sigh trying again to pull her into my lap this time I'm successful but she's still crying.
"I'll be your candle on the water,
My love for you will always burn.
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting.
Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn.
I'll be your candle on the water,
'Till every wave is warm and bright.
My soul is there beside you,
Let this candle guide you.
Soon you'll see a golden stream of light.
A cold and friendless tide has found you,
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down.
I'll paint a ray of hope around you,
Circling in the air,
Lighted by a prayer.
I'll be your candle on the water,
This flame inside of me will grow.
Keep holding on, you'll make it,
Here's my hand so take it.
Look for me, reaching out to show,
As sure as rivers flow,
I'll never let you go.
I'll never let you go.
I'll never let you go"
I sang to her, it took the whole song but when I finished she had stopped crying,
"Wona?" she whispered
"Yeah Meri, it's me,"
"Wona, scawred" she whispered her head leaning into my chest.
"It's ok it's just me you don't need to be scared, come on let's move to the coach, where's your chair?" I ask,
Ok I did not understand that
"Sorry, Meri, where is it?" I ask again confused I can't tell what she's saying
Ok this is not help I can't understand her, maybe we just stay here for now. I am slightly confused normally she she returns to her more adult mindset when she's not panicking but she seems to still be in her little headspace. I try to carefully move her so I can see her face at least but she clings to my chest.
"Mer it's ok I'm not going anywhere I just want to..." I pause for a second as I look around I hadn't noticed before because I was so focused on getting her to stop panicking but there was pieces of smashed glass and metal on the floor. What had happened last night.
"Meredith did Derek hurt you again last night?" I asked I already knew the answer but wanted to try and get her to talk. I felt her nod against my chest.
"Oh Meri, hey can you show me" I asked, something tells me it's worse than other times.
"No" she says pulling away from me.
"Hey, hey it's ok" I coo trying to hold her again.
"No, he...you need to leave" she cried, pulling away from me, as she pushed away she fell throwing her hand out to catch herself.
"Ahh!!" She screamed, what happened, I quickly scooped her up, I tried my best to stand up with her and to some success I did I quickly manage to hobble into the lounge before laying her down on the coach, a pulling her head into my lap, she was crying again.
"Shh, shh I'm here," I started before starting to sing the song to her, I didn't even bother waiting this time.
"I'll be your candle on the water,
My love for you will always burn."
As I sung I carefully draw circles on Meredith's back.
"I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting.
Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn."
I noticed her breathing even out, as I looked down I saw she'd fallen asleep on me.

Authors Note
I'm back, I'm so sorry for the delay. I've been travelling around Europe and England which has been amazing but also exhausting. So this has been my first change to get get started again. I hope a slightly longer chapter makes up for the delay a bit. I've already started the next chapter I've just got to get university scholarship application in tomorrow then i should be back to updating nearly daily hopefully.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment, with any suggestions, questions or anything I love to hear from the people reading.

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