14- Talking

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Alex's POV
Oh god, the last thing we need it anything else to go wrong, I had a feeling as soon as I entered Arizonas room that something was wrong, normally Arizona would great me with a smile and ask her Meredith was doing before I could even take a breath, but this time it had been silence. As I ran to Callie, my heart was in my throat I knew what was coming, but that didn't make it easier. As I reached the OR, I saw Callie was just scrubbing out of her surgery, thank god.
Al: Callie!
I scared her as I yelled,
C: what in the hell Karev,
She turned to look at me and immediately realised something was wrong.
C: Alex?
Al: you need to come quick it's Arizona,
C: what, what do you mean, Alex what's wrong with my girlfriend?
Callie demanded, I knew I should probably tell her but it was just easier to show her, after all she's the orthopaedic surgeon not me.
Al: Just follow me quick,
I ran off only briefly stopping to make sure she was following me and she was, as I made it back to Arizona's Callie ran past me.

Callie's POV
I'm not sure what is going on my Alex has me worried, as we reach Arizona's room I push past him trying to get to my girlfriend.
C: Arizona, are you ok
It's only then that I noticed she unconscious, as I reach down to her I realise she burning up, I immediately know why Alex came to get me.
C: Book and OR now!!

Meanwhile outside Meredith's room.
Third Person POV
Mi: Richard she needs help,
R: and that's what we are giving her
Mi: Richard you know what I mean physically she is fine I would be confident to discharge her, but she isn't ok mentally
R: I know, what should we do...
Izzie had overheard them talking and slipped into Meredith's room.

Izzie's POV
I: Meredith?
I tried to ask attempting once again to get her to talk, but still not being successful.
I: Meredith, please honey it's just me.
She looked at me but didn't respond, I could see in her eyes that she was listening to me but she wouldn't say anything.
I: Meredith, look I can't imagine what you went through out there, how scared you must have been, how it felt to loose so many people,  but Meredith people are here are starting to worry they can't loose you too, I need you to say something anything, otherwise I'm worried Dr Bailey and Dr Webber are going to have you admitted, neither of them want that but at this point we don't know what else to do Meredith please just say something,
I started at her, but she just started right back at me. I know she's not doing it on purpose, it's a trauma response she's shut down, but I know if she gets admitted into phyc it will only make it worse. I sigh and reach out for her hand, as she reaches back she pulls on my arm and I realise she wants me to hold her. Carefully I climb into the bed behind her, and hold her.
I: Meredith, it's ok I'm here for you, you are safe now.
I sigh into her neck, I know she needs to say something but I don't want to push her.
M: iwwie
She mumbles I can barely here her buts it's there.
I: did you say something Mer,
I hear her take a deep breath,
M: Thank you Izzie.
She's clearer this time, I can tell it's still hard for her but it's progress. Just then Miranda walks into the room.
Mi: oh Hi Dr Stevens, I was just coming to check on Meredith again, Meredith how are you feeling?
I just feel her shrug against me,
I: can you use words Meredith?
I encouraged her, I knew she could do it but I needed her to prove it to Bailey
M: I feel fine,
I: good job I whispered into her ear.
Mi: thank you Meredith, how the pain levels?
M: uh.. ok
Mi: good, now I'm just going to do a quick check make sure everything's ok but you seem good,
Miranda completed her check of meredith and just as we suspected everything was ok. Meredith appeared to be healthy and healing well.
Mi: everything looks good Meredith, if you continue to improve over the next few days I should be able to release you soon. Miranda left, leaving just me and Meredith.
M: Izzie?
I heard Meredith question,
I: yeah mer
I answered happy to help her in whatever way possible.
M: Zola?
I: you want me to check on Zola?
I wasn't quite sure what she was asking, I knew short sentences where easier for her right now, so I was trying my best. But she shook her head.
I: you want to see Zola
This time I got it as I saw her smile and nod her head.
I: ok I'll go see if Zola is in the day care, I know Callie and Amelia had been taking it in turns to watch her while you where um.. but I'm not sure if they have her now or if she's in the day care. If she not in the day care I'll find out who had her and get them to bring her back here ok?
Meredith just nodded and I smiled glad I could help.

Miranda's POV
I was just outside Meredith's room when I say Dr Stevens leave, Im glad that Meredith had so many people who cared for her, she in for a long recovery both physically and physiologically but I know she'll get through it. As I see Dr Steven leave I take the opportunity to go in an talk to Meredith, I'm glad she's talking again even if it's small words and sentences.
Mi: hey Meredith, don't worry nothings wrong I'm just coming in as a friend to check on you. You don't need to say anything
Meredith just smiled as me, god that girl is so kind.
Mi: Meredith I just wanted to let you know, I'm so sorry for what you went through but I'm glad your here. I know you've got a challenging road ahead but I'm here to help ok. You interns where like my children and I love you all so deeply, losing Cristina and George was like loosing my own children. Meredith I'm here for you if you need ok.
I smiled at her, and she smiled back reaching out her hand to grab mine,
Mi: by the way if you repeat any of that to anyone I will deny it.
At that she laughed, I'm glad I was able to make her laugh. Just at that moment Izzie returned with little miss Zola in her arms.
I: oh Hi Dr Bailey, I'm sorry I can
Mi: no it's I'm Dr Stevens, I'm just in here to chat to Meredith, bring in that cuties
I smiled as Izzie brought in Zola carefully, passing her to her mother.
M: Zola,
Meredith cooed looking at her daughter. I smiled as I saw zola curl into her mothers chest and start to fall asleep, it looked as if Meredith wasn't to far behind.
Mi: ok I've got work to do
I said quickly before hoping up to leave, I saw Izzie do the same, she obviously just realised she was also probably needed for work.
Mi: it's ok Dr Stevens you can stay here for now I don't need you,
I smiled once more as Izzie sat back down next to Meredith smiling.

Izzie's POV:
I watched Dr Bailey leave and just sat with Meredith for a bit, Zola had fallen asleep on her chest and truth be told Meredith didn't seem that far behind, we hadn't been talking but just simply enjoying the presence of a friend. Meredith turned to me as she took her eyes of her daughter.
M: Izzie,
I: yeah mer,
M: Is zona ok?
I smiled of course Meredith would be worried about Arizona, she always cared for others sometimes even at the expense of her own but that was another issue. As if to answer my question I saw Callie entering the room, the expression on her face giving away that something wasn't right.
C: Meredith, I need to tell you something...

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