6- The storm

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Cristina's POV
The storm was really setting in now, we had to find Meredith,
C: Meredith!!!
A: Meredith!!!
Arizona was leading the path,
A: ok this was where we where when we spilt she went to the right,
C: ok I can go along go back and check on Derek he shouldn't be left alone I'll scream if I need help.
A: you sure?
C: positive Meredith would kill us if we let something happen to Derek.
Arizona made her way back to camp and I walked down the path, and the wind was really picking up now I was beginning to get nervous about the trees around us the wind was strong enough to rip them out of the ground, we had to be fast and get back to clearing
C: Meredith!!!
I need to find her, she's my person, we have get back to camp.
As I make our way further down the path I suddenly see something in the distance just off the path,
C: Arizona look, it's Meredith
Just as I start to get close to Meredith the wind picks up again and I see the tree she's standing under start to sway,
C: Meredith...
M: Derek he
C: it's ok we found him, you need to move or else
M: no Derek
The tree started to really shake, it was going to fall on her if she didn't move
C: Meredith move
She wasn't moving, something was wrong, but just as I was about to yell again the tree started to fall
C: Meredith!!!
I ran and pushed her out of the way, but as soon as I pushed her I knew, things where not going to end well.

Arizonas POV
As I made my way back to the camp, I thought about what had happened, how had we ended up in this mess Mark is dead, Lexie is dead she was only a baby, now Derek's hand might be forever damaged, and oh god my leg hurts, I pause for a minute. Looking around I can see there is a rock I can sit on and rest my leg for a minute. The wind if really picking up, this is going to be a rough night. As I looked at the trees swaying the the breeze I was reminded of a time when me and Callie took Sophia out to the park,

C: Sophia sweetie slow down, Mamma and I can't keep up
S: but mummy I want to pway on the swide
A: Callie it's ok let her go we can see her
Sophia ran off towards the slide as I looked at Callie, the wind blowing through her black hair, she looked gorgeous.
A: carefully my love
I yelled out to Sophia who was now on the top of the slide
S: Mamma, Mummy wook at me.
A: yeah my love, your so high.
Me and Callie carefully walked over to the bench near the playground
C: this is nice, we don't normally get days off together
A: yeah and look at our beautiful baby,
C: I know, we are so lucky
A: you know she looks just like you my love
C: yeah, and I know it's not possible but she has your eyes, they sparkle in the sun just like yours
A: I mean I think there marks eyes but thank you.
As I looked up I realised it was starting to rain,
A: oh my gosh it's raining
C: oh where did that come from
A: I don't know, Sophia
I called across the playground
S: Mamma it's raining
A: that it is my love, come on we have to go
S: no I want to stay
C: come on my love you'll catch a cold we have to go
By this stage the rain had picked up and it was staring to pour, Sophia started to run towards us,
A: Callie I'll grab her and run, can you you run ahead and unlock the car,
C: yeah sure ok
I ran towards Sophia, scooping her up in my arms
S: wee, I'm flying
I giggled at my daughter, as I ran towards the car,
We where both now soaking wet
As I reached the car Callie already had opened the door and was inside, waiting for us to get in.
I leaped in the bag seat with Sophia trying not to get even more wet.
C: you too are soaked
A: really I hadn't noticed
I answered back sarcastically as I looked at our soaked daughter.
C: ha, well there is a change of clothes in her bag for her but honey I'm sorry I don't normal pack spare clothes for my girlfriend
I shot her a glare before reaching back into the boot to grab her bag, and changing her into some dry clothes.
A: there you are my love
C: hey did you bring the dry cleaning in last night?
A: no I didn't but are you really... oh
I laughed reaching back into the boot and grabbing one of my dresses
C: sorry you where saying
A: thank you my love,
I leaned forward over the seat to give her a kiss
A: now are we heading home?
I asked once I'd changed into the dry clothes, and buckled Sophia into her car seat
C: aren't you going to hope in the front with me
A: nope I'm going to stay right here with our little girl
I cooed looking down at our smiling daughter and draping a blanket over the both of us

As I the memory of that day played in my find I smiled, I had to get home to my girlfriend and our daughter. I smiled as I thought about our little girl, at least parts of mark would live on through her.

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