16. At Home

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⚠️TW- abuse

Meredith's POV
I've been at home for two days now and it's been really hard, Derek still needs me to clean and cook everything for him, but I'm struggling to reach the stove from my wheelchair, I've gone in to Physical therapy treatment but at the moment they are just about understanding how to move my body and less about getting a prosthetic although they have fitted me for one.
D: Meredith wear is my lunch!!
Derek screamed at me from in the lounge, I quickly grab the sandwich of the counter top and rest it on my leg, before quickly wheeling my way to the lounge where Derek is sitting. I don't mind helping Derek, he needs to rest his hand, at the moment he's just sitting with it elevated on a pillow, I'm so glad I overheard him on the phone yesterday he's predicted to get full mobility back in his hand by next week meaning he will be cleared for surgery within two weeks, I'm so glad I didn't hurt him to badly by making him swap seats. Just as I reach the lounge I can see Zola playing on the floor, Derek is watching his boxing again, I have asked him not to watch that in front of Zola but he just told me to shut up, as I round the corner, I suddenly feel the left wheel of my chair come to a stop, but before I could do anything I feel the chair starting to tilt, before I knew it I was on the ground Derek's sandwich lying laying amongst broken pieces of plate. Oh my god what have I done, as I look back I realise one of Derek's shoes had gotten caught in the wheel stopping it from moving, but my momentum kept me moving.
D: oh my god Meredith you are ridiculous, you can't even bring me a stupid sandwich look at what you've done

Third Person POV
Derek started yelling at Meredith.
D: not only have you ruined my lunch, but you've gotten broken pieces of ceramic on the floor where Zola is playing,
Derek walked over towards Meredith, as she remained lying on the floor.
D: you are so stupid and useless!
Derek yelled as he reached down and picked up Meredith, as first Meredith was relieved she thought maybe Derek was going to help her back into her chair, but instead he just put her back down on top of the pieces of the plate,
M: ahh!
Meredith yelled as she felt pieces start to cut and scrape her skin.
D: oh shut up you caused the mess look at what poor Zola could have crawled onto, see what would you do if this had been Zola, not you
Derek yelled as he push Meredith down a bit, forcing the plate to cut and scrape her some more. Meredith just whimpered as she listened to what Derek said, he was right, she was an idiot the plate could have cut Zola.
D: ok, well seeing as you can't seem to be able to do anything, I'm going to take our daughter for a walk keep her safe from you, you useless idiot.
Derek said before walking over to Zola and carefully picking her up, before walking back past Meredith.
D: and to think you where so worried about being like your mother, good news your not, your worse at least you mother knew how to be a normal person.
Derek chuckled before kicking Meredith in the side then walking upstairs. Meredith just remained laying on the ground, once she heard Derek leave she started to sit herself up wincing as her hand where cut by the plate as she sat up. Carefully she started to pull the piece of the plate out of her hair and out of her arms and face, surprisingly very few of the pieces had made large cuts mainly grazes that would be gone by tomorrow, Meredith sighed relieved she would have to many cuts to try and hide tomorrow. Carefully Meredith started to collect the pieces of the broken plate, before hoisting herself into her chair, she'd gotten used to getting in and out of her chair on her own the last two days, Derek always told her that she was stupid enough to need it so it was her problem to figure out how to use it. Once Meredith had everything cleaned up she made her way back to the kitchen and started to prepare dinner for Derek and Zola, she would eat after Derek didn't like it when they ate together.

Later that Night Third Person POV

Meredith was tossing and turning in her bed, as she muttered in her sleep. At first it was small movements but soon it was enough to wake up Derek. He sighed as he looked over towards Meredith, trying to make out what she was mumbling.
M(in her sleep): no Lexie, please someone help

Meredith's Dream

Meredith was sitting across from Lexie in a room when she saw Lexie start to bleed out, as she tried to run over she realised she was stuck as she looked down she couldn't see why she was stuck but she couldn't move. Her head started spinning and her thought where getting lost as she fought to try and get to Lexie, suddenly she heard a scream off to the side and say Cristina falling to the ground unable to breathe. She fought harder to get to her but still felt trapped the harder she fought the more her thought jumbled and she felt her head become confused, suddenly she felt something pooping underneath her, as she looked down she saw blooding pouring out of her leg, she started to scream as she looked around her suddenly everything went black.

Third Person POV
Derek had been starting at Meredith as she tossed and turned trying to go back to sleep. He didn't really care about how she felt he just wanted to get back to sleep. He rolled over ignoring her cry's in her sleep. As Meredith continued to cry in her sleep, she didn't realise but she had accidentally wet the bed. As soon as Derek realised he leaped out of bed, yelling
D: oh my god Meredith! You are disgusting!
He shouted suddenly waking her up, at first Meredith was panicking the feeling of the blood from her dream was still there she could feel it on her leg but as she looked down she realised it wasn't blood that she'd wet the bed in her sleep, embarrassed she curled up in herself.
D: no don't go back to sleep clean this up loon at it
Derek yelled grabbing Meredith's head by the hair and pushing her face into the mattress,
D: you are disgusting! 
He continued to yell
M: Derek I'm so sorry, I....I....I...
D: I..I..I oh god Meredith shut up and clean this up I'm going to sleep in the spare bedroom, and when your don't cleaning up in here you can go sleep in Zola rooms, if you are going to act like a child you can sleep like one as well!!
Derek yelled making fun of Meredith's stammering. Derek walked over towards Meredith slapping her face,
D: you are disgusting, Meredith I don't know why I ever married you, clean this up!
He yelled before leaving the room and walking down the hall. Meredith carefully climbed out of the bed trying to balance on her leg as in his haste Derek had pushed her wheelchair away from the bed. Eventually Meredith was able to strip the bed and put more sheets on before changing her clothes and having a shower. Once she was ready she did as Derek asked her to do and went down to Zola's room. He was right she was acting like a child, how could she wet the bed she was a grown adult, once she made it to Zola's room Meredith carefully transferred into the chair they kept in there before trying to fall asleep again, she had physical therapy in the morning so would need all the sleep she could get.

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