31- Signing

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Third Person POV

Over the next three days Meredith and Arizona continued to enjoy each other company, it was the morning Derek and Callie where meant to respond, and Meredith was starting to freak out.

Arizona's POV

I not sure how to calm Meredith down right now, I know she's freaking out cause Derek is coming back, she has had such a good last few days, she's finally starting to understand just how messed up Derek is. I know I have to get her out of that relationship soon, every minute I'm not with her I'm worried he's done something he's hurt her so badly I can't help her.
A: sh mer it's ok they aren't back to lunchtime ok let's go to PT this morning and we can worry about that later
I coo hoping to calm her down,
M: no...I can't go back to him... Arizona you...
A: sh she take a breathe, here breathe with me in..1234 hold..1234 out..1234 good now it's ok, we will figure this out ok,
M: ok, thank you Arizona.

Meredith and I quickly finished getting ready for the day.

5hrs later

After our PT session Meredith and I made our way to the cafeteria for lunch, it had become our sort of ritual, we did it every time we had PT and I would buy Meredith lunch cause Derek never gave her any money. She'd revealed to me that her and Derek's pay both go into the same account but he won't let her access it. I hate how much control he has over her she's a sweet innocent girl and he abuses every aspect of her life. I've also continued to learn Makaton and Meredith and I have both continued on to learn sigh language we love using it in places like the cafeteria cause we can have our conversation without having to worry about being able to hear each other or certain people understanding our conversations.
A(signs): you ok mer? You did so well this morning in PT, your going home with your prosthetic today aren't you.
M(signing): yeah I am, and thank you I couldn't have done it without your support
A(signing): no worries thank you without you I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have with my PT either.

Third Person POV
Meredith and Arizona continue to have their conversation, smiling and laughing in each others company before heading up to the day care to play with their girls for a bit. They were so busy playing that they hadn't noticed Derek and Callie enter the day care.

Derek's POV
I was so excited to see Zola when I get home from my trip, I've missed her. Once we get back from our trip Callie and I head straight to the day care I know she was excited about seeing Sofia. As we enter the day care my blood starts to boil, Arizona and Meredith are sitting in there playing with the girls and I can see the two of them using that makacrap what ever it is, I've told Meredith so many times not to use that. I don't want our baby to be the weird child that signs. God does that women ever listen, I can see Arizona doing it as well and immediately I start to freak out what if Meredith tells Arizona...I won't be able to help her, oh my they have been spending so much time together what if she..oh I have to do something, by this point we've reached the girls.
D: Hey Zozo, hey Meredith
I say pretending to be excited, I am so made at Meredith right now. She's going to pay for it when we get home.
D: you ready to go home?
I ask, I don't really care about Meredith's answer
M: oh um yeah
D: come on let's go
I say grabbing her arm, as she stand up I notice she's got her prosthetic on god she looks ugly

Arizona's POV
I didn't notice Derek until he was standing right over us, immediately I felt Meredith tense up
He spoke to us briefly before pulling Meredith to stand up, immediately I got nervous based on how he was acting he seemed angry but why Meredith hadn't done anything wrong.
A(signs): text me if you need help
I signed to her quickly I had a feeling he was going to hurt her tonight.
M(signs): I'll try

Derek's POV
I can still see Meredith and Arizona signing and I'm about ready to slap her right then and there but I don't we quickly make our way towards the car.
D: get in
I yell as we reach the car and Meredith just stand there, she reaches for the front door and I slap her hand.

Meredith's POV
I don't know why Derek is so made I haven't done anything, he tells me to get in the card I go to sit in the passenger seat and he slaps my hand, what did he want I don't want to upset him but I can't seem to get it right.
D: I don't want to see you
He said sternly as he puts Zola in the car,
D: you can sit in the back with Zola
He commands pointing to the car
I quickly move into the car, it's taking me a minute as I haven't done this with my prosthetic before...oh no my wheelchair it's still in the hospital.
M: der?
D: shut up Meredith!!
He yells, I need him to go back to the hospital and get my wheelchair but he won't do it now maybe I'll get Arizona to drop it off.

Derek's POV
Once we get home I carry Zola inside leaving Meredith to get her own way inside she a fully grown women she can get herself into the house just fine. I set Zola up in her playroom before returning to see what Meredith was doing, the lazy ass only just got to the door I grab her and pull her into the kitchen. I've asked her so many times not to use that god forsaken sign or maka whatever it is and she clearly can't listen to maybe this will teach her...

Authors Note
I really hope your liked this chapter, please let me know through comments. Any suggestions please leave them as well. What do you think Derek is going to do to poor meredith.

Sorry for the delay in updating as I said last post I am on vacation so finding time is hard but I'll keep trying.

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