11- Suprise

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In Meredith OR
Third Person POV

Intern: Dr Suve?
DrS: yes.
Intern: um I think you might need to look at this...
DrS: what's the issue?
Dr Suve looked at wear the intern was pointing and realised what the interns concerns where
Intern: wasn't this just meant to be the closure of an amputation completed at the sight of the accident?
DrS: yes it was but it appears the bone above the knee has been fractured as well, we can not complete an amputation with the bone fragments here, I am going to have to amputate more of the leg
Dr Suve, began the process of attempting to salvage as much of Meredith's leg as possible.

In Arizona's Room
Callie's POV
About 20 minutes after Dr Port finished talking to us, we where informed that both Arizona and Derek where out out surgery. Richard and Izzie stayed behind in the waiting room while Amelia and I went to check on Derek and Arizona. It was about 20min after I entered her room that Arizona had started to wake up.
C: hey my love, it's ok your ok
I exclaimed excited that she was waking up
A: what.. where.. where am I.. is...
I could tell Arizona was starting to freak out.
C: hey, hey, it's ok remember. You where found. Your in Hillcrest Hospital now,
I could see my words where helping her calm down but it still wasn't enough so I took her hand and rested it on my chest so she could feel my heart beating and my breaths
C: ok can you breathe with me. In out, in out
I repeated a few times until Arizona calmed down, just then a doctors can into the room.
DrT: Hello, I am doctor Theon. Dr Robbins we where successfully able to complete a repair of your brake, it will take some time to heal as it did require some screws to hold the bone in place but over all I am happy with how the surgery went. You are required to remain in hospital for the next week just to monitor for infection, however, once I am updated on the recovery of the other survivors..
I watched Arizona face change at that word,
DrT: I will be able to let you know if you can travel back to Seattle Grace Mercy West. Do you have any questions Dr Robbins?
I looked at Arizona and she wasn't saying anything I could tell she was processing everything, I can't begin to imagine what's going on in her head right now.
C: she's ok for now,
DrT: ok, get one of the nurses to page me if you have any issues or questions. I also need you to just keep an eye out for signs of infection fever, swel...
C: ok we are both doctors and know the signs of infection please just give her some time to process
The doctors finally left, and I turned to look at Arizona.
C: hey it's ok you will be ok.
A: thanks. Calliope
C: yes, my love
A: have...have you heard anything more about Meredith is she ok?
C: I'm gonna to be honest with you last time I heard she was still in surgery, she had a small brain bleed and they had to amputate her r...
A: I know about that I was there
C: oh, Zona I'm sorry I didn't
A: it's ok, Callie I'm tired, can you wake me if you find out anything more about Meredith
C: of course my love, you get some sleep I can't imagine you got lost over the last couple of days.

Inside Derek's Room
Amelia's POV
I left Richard and Izzie in the waiting room when I was told Derek was out out surgery. I had only been in his room for about 5min when he started to wake up again.
D: Amelia?
A: yes derek, it's Amelia. You where rescued and now your in Hillcrest hospital.
D: oh ok, is my hand ok?
A: I'm not sure you where in surgery to fix it, I'm sure the doctor will be in soon to explain.
D: Meredith?
A: Meredith is still in surgery, I'm sorry derek they have had to amputate part of her leg
D: oh
A: are you ok?
I was concerned by my brothers reaction he didn't seem to be too upset about the idea that part of his wife's leg had been removed. Just as he went to answer the doctor came into the room.
DrG: Hello, I am doctor Gorn. Dr Shepherd we where successfully able to repair your hand, there was a few broken bones that have been reset, however there was very little nerve damage so you should at the moment have around 80% function if not more. At the moment it is in a cast to allow the bones to heal properly as they did not appear to require any screws or plates, once the cast has been removed we will begin you on PT to hopefully we will be able to regain you 100% motor skills and hand function.
D: ok thank you, how long will I be in the cast?
DrG: at the moment I am advising 4 weeks, however we will repeat X-rays at 4 weeks to determine if the bones have healed enough to remove the cast.
D: ok, thank you doctor
DrG: No problem, Dr Shepherd, I will let you know about transport back to Seattle grace mercy west once I have heard from the doctors working on the other survivors, but we should be able to release you in about three days we just need to get your hydration levels back up.
A: thank you doctor Gorn.
With that Doctor Gorn left the room. Leaving just me and Derek again.
A: are you ok Derek?
I asked concerned for the impact this would have on him.
D: I suppose, as long as I get 100% function back. I'm the best neurosurgeon in the country I can't stop operating.
I sighed to myself, good to now he's still the same egocentric man I grew up with. I just hope Meredith's ok.

1 1/2hr Later
Izzie's POV
The wait had been torturous waiting to hear able Meredith. Richard and I have been sitting in near silence for nearly the past two hours after Amelia and Callie left. Just as I can feel myself falling asleep I see Dr Port coming around the corner with another doctor.
I: Richard, Richard they are coming.
DrS: hello I am Dr Suve, I was the lead surgeon on Meredith Grey-Shepard. I have now finished Meredith's surgery, Dr Port will fill you in on the details of case over all but I wanted to let you know the surgery was a success.
R: thank you so much
I could see Richard getting excited but I could tell there was something he wasn't telling us.
R: can we go to her now.
DrP: I can take you to her but first I must let you know.
Here it comes, the part where they say something terrible we are all surgeons we know how the works,
DrP: upon attempting to complete the amputation from the field, Dr Suve discovered that Meredith's femur bone, appeared to have also been damaged, as it was broken as well unfortunately there was not enough salvageable bones to complete an above the knee amputation. Unfortunately this resulting in us having to complete a Hip Disarticulation. (Amputation at the hip)

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