30- Camp

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⚠️TW- abuse, conversion therapy

Arizona's POV
Oh no,
A: Meredith, where did your mum send you
M: to fix me, she...she caught me lying in bed with my friend Sadie when we where in high-school, she told me we where sick and then she sent me away.
My heart broke as she spoke, of course Ellis grey had sent her daughter to a conversion camp.
A: Meredith did your mum said you away to conversion therapy?
She just nodded as she looked at me, her eyes filling with tears.
A: Meredith, how old where you
M: thirteen
She whispered, starting to cry
A: oh mer, it's ok, hey look at me
She looked up at me
A: what ever the told you it isn't true you aren't sick, it's ok to have feelings for someone the same gender as you just the same as it is to have feelings for someone who is the opposite gender.
I tried to explain but she seemed fixated on her thoughts,
M: no...no I can't, they will hurt me again
A: hey, hey not your find they aren't going to hurt you. Your safe remember
I cooed pulling Meredith into my lap.
M: thank zona
Meredith eventually responded looking up at me.
A: do you want to tell me what happened?
I asked I wasn't sure whether or not she would want to share
M: I can remember it so clearly,
She started to explain, as she started I felt my chest tighten I knew this was going to be hard to here.

M: they, they come in the middle of the night I was sleeping then they woke me up and just took me, I later found out my mum knew they where coming but at the time I didn't. I was scared and confused no one had mentioned anything to me or would say anything to me. Once we got there I had to get changed they wouldn't let me wear the clothes I came in, then I was sent back to bed. I don't remember every detail, but they would send me to therapy until I was cured, that's when I was allowed to come back home, that's when I met Finn

My heart broke as she spoke, I'd been fortunate my parents overall had been excepting of me being gay but I'd heard horror stories about conversion therapy, and they called it being cured,
A: mer, you weren't sick it's ok to have feelings for people the same gender as you, it's ok.
M: no they
A: mer what was the therapy, it couldn't have been safe or healthy or even legal I doubt
M: um...well one would be that...
A: it's ok take your time
M: one was that I would have to stand outside in nothing but my underwear, when I was caught "looking" at any of the other girls, but I promise I wasn't looking
A: mer you don't have to apologise or justify any of it what they did to you was wrong.
M: the..the worst one I remember was...
She pauses as tears filled her eyes,
A: it's ok you don't have to if you don't want to
M: ok, thank you
Meredith went silent,
A: Meri there is nothing wrong with you for having feelings for me ok, and you know what I have feelings for you too.
M: you do?
A: I do,
I confirmed and the smile on her face at that moment could have light up a room.
A: I haven't told Callie about my feelings for you yet but I will, as soon as she gets back ok, then we can work on getting you away from Derek
Meredith just nodded hugging me close,
A: Meredith?
M: mmh
A: just so I know did you ever have feelings for Derek or even Finn
M: no, none of them not even George
A: you slept with George
M: long story,
A: right, so you never had feeling for any guys
M: no only your and Sadie
A: Meredith I think you might be a lesbian are you ok with that
M: as long as I've got you to keep me safe I'm ok.
Meredith sighed resting her head on my chest
A: always Mer.
I sighed gently kissing her forehead.

Authors Note
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and also the quick succession of two updates, sorry this chapter is a little shorter, the next part of the story kinda needs to be together.

Anyway please leave comments with suggestions or what you think I will try and respond to all comments

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