2- Searching

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Arizona's POV
C: I think I see someone over there
Cristina runs off in front of me
A: hang on I can't keep up
I hello but to no avail, as I make my way over towards where Cristina is I see she was right someone if there, I can just see the tuff of blond hair sticking out from underneath the wing of the plane. OMG it's Meredith she's been crushed. But as I look closer I realise that the wing seems to be stuck on something is actually not crushing Meredith she underneath it and unconscious but she's ok.
C: quick help me pull her out
Me and Cristina reach underneath the plane, dropping my makeshift cane in the process I pull along with Cristina each of us grabbing an arm. She's not heavy by fair and as well pull she slides out quickly from under the wing, my god this women really is indestructible, a god plan wing lands on her and she's fine. Carefully we rest her up against the side of the wing.
A: Meredith...
I shake her gentle, Yang has helped me sit down as well allowing me to rest my leg.
A: Meredith,
I say a bit louder this time shaking her a bit harder, just as I got to shake her again I feel her start to move
M: wwwha
A: shhh it's ok take a second, the plane crashed are you ok
M: I...I think so...
A: good, can you open your eyes
Meredith slowly opens her eyes lifting her hand to block some of the brightness
A: good, ok your ok
Slowly I see her eyes start to focus and her brain start to realise what's happened,
M: yeah yeah I'm ok is everyone else where is everyone
A: we don't know yet but it's ok we will find them don't worry
M: Derek?
I can see the fear in her eyes,
A: not yet,
For a second I swear I saw relief flash across her face but that doesn't make sense she loves Derek why would but then it's gone, maybe it was just my brain playing trick on me.
A: Meredith we need to keep searching do you feel ok so help?
I asked, I mean she looks ok but I suppose you never know, but she nods her head and stand up, for someone who was just in a plane crash she is surprisingly ok. Her and Cristina help me stand up and we keep looking,
C: Lexie!!
A: mark!!!
M: Derek!!
C: Mark!!
M: Lexie!!!
A: Derek!!!

??: Help please
Suddenly we hear someone yelling back
??: down here please help
Suddenly we look over and down a small embankment is mark he's sitting next to the tail end of the plane
Mark(Ma): help please it's Lexie
As soon as she heard her sisters name Meredith ran down the embankment,
M: where is she?
Mark looked down and suddenly we all gasped there was Lexie she was trapped under the tail of the plane, it was clear unlike Meredith she had been pinned but the weight of the plan
M: we need to get her out help,
Cristina and I quickly made our way down the embankment as well trying to asses the situation. As soon as I reached the bottom I knew, I looked at Cristina, as our eyes locked we both knew, the plane had crushed Lexie's entire lower half if we lifted the plane off her, she would be dead in second she would bleed out almost instantly.
A: Meredith, honey
M: no we have to save her
L: Meredith?
M: Lexie!!
Meredith dove to the ground grabbing her sisters hand, Cristina and I looked at mark and he looked at us he knew as well as we did Lexie didn't have long left,
Ma: Cristina any chance you could help me to the top of the embankment I think something is wrong in my chest
Mark asked, I could tell he was trying to let the sisters have their moment. Carefully me and Cristina helped mark up to the top of the hill
A: mark you should be down there mark she isn't going to..
Ma: I know and so does she we said our goodbyes already now it's Meredith's turn they may have only known each other for a little bit but they are sisters and the love the share is fair greater than anything else.

Meredith's POV:
I could here them talking at the top of the embankment but they where wrong Lexie was going to live I can't live without Lexie,
L: Meredith
I look down at my baby sister, I can see it in her eyes she knows
L: it's ok Meredith
M: no...no it's not I need you Lexie, I can't your the only person who loves me
L: that's not true Derek loves you
M: no Derek hurts me, your the only person in my life to every love me and not hurt me
L: Meredith are you saying Derek hits you?
I just cried I can't loose Lexie, she's the only person in my life who loves me truely.
L: oh mer I'm so sorry, I love you
M: please Lexie
But I could see, blood started to come out of her ears
M: I love you too Lexie so much, so so much
I cried as I held her hand I felt it I felt her last breath. Carefully I reached over and closed her eyes. That was it my baby sister dead, I can't I... I just started crying. I'm not sure how long I was crying for but I felt a pair of hand on my back and turned around to see mark,
Ma: I'm sorry mer
I turned around and cried into his chest, we had both just lost her.
I don't know how long we where sat there but eventually me and mark made our way back up the embankment, to the make shift camp Cristina and Arizona had made, we didn't want to leave Lexie's body so they had Brough everything they could over to the clearing above the embankment. It was only Derek left to find, but truthfully I don't care where he is I'm pretending for everyone else cause he's my husband, but if we don't find him then I can't annoy him anymore and maybe I'll be free.

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