36. Final Blow

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- Abuse
- Swearing

Arizona's POV

My alarm goes off on my phone and I realised I'd fallen asleep with Meredith, checking the time I can see we've got about one hr before Callie comes to pick me up. Her shift actually finished about an 1/2 an hour ago but she had to pick up the dry cleaning and do some other tasks before we headed home.
A: Mer..
I say gently trying to wake her,
M: mmm..
she groans, she hates being woken up.
A: hey it's time to wake up Callie will be here to pick me up in and hour and Derek will be home in about an hour and a half.
M: ok
She says sitting up, as soon as she sits up I miss the presence of her warmth on my chest.
M: I um have to make dinner for Derek but I don't know how well, my hand
Meredith said looking away from me.
A: ok let's go make dinner then.
I answered

Half an Hour Later.
We'd just finished making dinner and by we I mean really just me with Meredith sitting there chatting to me. I didn't mind though I love hearing her chat, she sounds so care-free when it's just her and me. The door bell rang and I checked the clock. It's most likely Callie, I need to tell her tonight about my feeling for Meredith. Hell I kissed Meredith today.
M: come in it's unlocked
Meredith yelled, she must have come to the same conclusion that I did.
C: hey, how was your day?
Callie asked coming around the corner Sofia in her arms.
A: good, Meredith rested and I just sat around with her. You ready to go home?
I ask, smiling at Meredith.
C: yeah, sure
She said smiling, I quickly grabbed my cane walking around to hug Meredith.
A(signing): call me if he does anything.
I sign slipping my phone into her pocket. I'll survive the night without it, and Callie's got hers plus the landline.
M: thanks
She whispers, before moving into her chair to see us out.

Meredith's POV
As I wave Zona and Callie goodbye, I can't help but feel worry grow inside me. I'm glad zona gave me her phone, that way I can try and talk to her if I need to. As I look around I realise everything's ready for Derek when he gets home in an hour. I think I might go sit on the coach for a bit till he gets home.

Derek's POV
I can not believe that Meredith went to the hospital, and with Arizona of all people. I check my watch and realise it's time for my shift to end I quickly go and grab Zola and head home.

As soon as I get to my front door I'm fuming.
"Meredith!!!" I yell entering the house, slamming the door.

Meredith's POV
I awake to the front door being slammed, oh no I must have fallen asleep.
I try to get up but it's hard cause of my hands.
D: Meredith!!!!
He yells again,
D: I swear to god Meredith where are you!!!
M: I'm...I'm in the lounge
I yell back not sure where in the house he is.
Suddenly I feel his hand slap across my face.
D: don't you dare raise your voice at me!!
He yells, as I look back at him I can see the anger in his eyes.
M: I'm sorry
I whimper scared to upset him again.
Suddenly I feel him grab my arm and start pulling me, I can't see where we are going until we reach the stairs. He drops me at the bottom of the stairs using his tie to attach my hands to the railing.
D: wait here, I'm going to put Zola down!
He yells and I just nod, but immediately realise my mistake her his hand meets my face again.
D: words!!!
M: I'm sorry ok.
I answer, before he disappears up the stairs. I can hear him putting Zola down in her bed but I can't move, he's tied my hands behind my back and I can't see them to untie it.
Suddenly I hear his footsteps coming back towards the stairs.
D: now that she's asleep I can deal with you
He said forcing my head up to look at him.
D: I explicitly told you not to see Arizona again. And not only that but you went to the hospital you stupid, crippled whore!!
He yelled, oh my god how did he know I went to the hospital, crap crap crap.
D: what you didn't think I'd find out
He said slightly laughing,
D: of course I found out, what didn't think I wouldn't notice the giant metal splint on your finger!!
He yelled again, reaching behind my and pulling the splint of my fingers.
M: ahhhh!
I screamed, in the process of pulling it off he'd bent my fingers backwards,
D: shut up!
He yelled, kicking my side.
D: I can not believe you Meredith!!
He yelled, untying my hands from the railing. At first I was relieved but then he just tied them together, grabbing into the tie and starting to pull my up the stairs, I cried as he pulled, the tie digging into my wrist.
D: look at all this!!
He yells dumping me on the floor of our bedroom.
D: look at all this I've bought for you, I've given you!!
He starts pulling of my clothes from the cupboard, dumping them on the floor.
M: I'm sorry
I cry, hoping he will stop
D: sorry isn't going to cut it anymore you ungrateful bitch.
He yells, this time punching me in the stomach. Except this time it didn't stop after just one, he continues to punch my alternating between kicking and punching. At this point I'm crying I can't help it I'm in so much pain.
D: will you shut up!!! Your going to wake up Zola
He yells,
M: I..I'm sorry
I cry,
D: bitch I told you to shut up!!!
He yells, at that he stops punching me, but instead grab all my clothes he had dumped on the floor.
M: what what are you doing?
D: your ungrateful and undeserving so you don't need any of this.
He yells walking out of our bedroom, I try to follow him, but can only make it to the top of the stairs. I watch as he opens the front door throwing all my clothes outside into the rain.
M: Derek please I'm sorry
I cry, I know it's stupid but he won't let me buy clothes often so the ones I have are special to me. Plus I'd taken some of Lexies clothes after she died.
D: I said shut up Meredith, I swear if you wake up Zola.
He yelled walking back up the stairs towards me. As he got close I flinched scared of what he was going to do. As he saw me flinch he laughed.
D: you are an ungrateful whore Meredith.
He said kicking me, as he kicked me I lost my balance and fell over the top stop,
M: ahhhh!
I screamed as I fell down the stairs I didn't mean to but I couldn't help it. As I reach the bottom of the stair I looked up and Derek was staring down at me. Just at that moment I heard Zola start to cry in her room, crap I'd woken her up.
D: I told you not to wake her up!!
Derek screamed, as she waked down the stairs towards me.
M: I'm sorry,
I cried, as Derek reached the bottom of the stairs he bend down next to me, I could see it in his eyes, I was scared
M: I'm so sorry,
I cried, but Derek just picked me up tossing me over his shoulder before walking. I couldn't see where we where going but suddenly I hear the front door open.
D: you are an ungrateful cripples whore, I hope you die!
Derek yelled before I felt myself being thrown out the front door,
I tried to catch myself as I fell towards the concrete, but my hands where still tied, I managed to get them in front of me but I felt my head hit the pavement. I could feel myself loosing consciousness, suddenly I remembered Arizona's phone in my pocket, I managed to get it out, clicking on Callie's contact. I don't care right now who knows, the phone rings for what seems like forever when suddenly someone picks up,
A: Meredith is that you are you ok?
M: zona....

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed this chapter,
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