35- Sunlights Beauty

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At Meredith's house once they get home from the hospital
Meredith's POV

Once Arizona brought me home after Callie fixed my hand, she sat with me on the coach for a bit before getting up.
M: what are you doing?
A: I'm going to clean up the mess in the kitchen.
M: you don't need to do that, it's my fault I'll do it.
I protested attempting to stand up.
A: no Meredith sit down,
She sat next to me,
A: I'm going to do it, it won't take me long plus Callie told me you need to rest your hands and you can't do that if your cleaning. I also know Derek will expect you to get up and clean tonight so let me do it.
She cooed, I felt bad it's not her mess to clean up but she was right I wouldn't even be able to hold the broom right now.
M: ok

Arizona's POV

I got up and made my way to the kitchen. It didn't take me long to clean up the glass left from Meredith's phone, and quickly got rid of it making a mental note to buy Meredith a new phone cause I'm guessing Derek won't let her buy one and I'll be damed if I let her stay in the house without a way to contact me or the police. Once I'm finished cleaning up the mess in the kitchen I quickly check the house to see if anything else needs to be done but it all seems to be in order. On some level I hate how clean her house is, not cause it doesn't look good or cause I'm jealous but because it's a hidden reminder of what she's living with. Anyone else would just think that she likes to keep things clean but to me it just shows the control he has over her.
I make my way back to her to see she's fallen asleep on the coach. I'm going to guess she didn't get a very good nights sleep last night. I don't want her to sleep on the coach though.
A: mer?
I ask gently, she stirs a bit but not enough to wake up.
A: mer?
I say a bit louder this time shaking her a bit.
She groans rubbing her eyes, it's adorable.
M: oh I'm sorry did I fall asleep I'm sorry
A: hey, hey, no need to be sorry your tired that's ok. It's good that you rest. I just wanted to see if you wanted to move to your bed to sleep I don't want you to be uncomfortable sleeping on the coach.
M: oh um, I don't know if Derek comes home. He doesn't like me being lazy during the day.
Of course not, cause why would your wife who has been through a traumatic accident; lost her entire left leg; need to rest during the day. I thought to myself, he is absolutely ridiculous.
A: it's ok he won't be home for a few hours. I'll wake you up before he gets home.
I tried hoping to convince her to rest for a bit.
M: hmm ok
She sighed looking at me, she carefully transferred into her wheelchair we had grabbed from the hospital after leaving Callie. And I helped her to the stairs. Once she was there I watched in amazement as she hoped out and started moving herself up the stairs, I followed slowly behind. Unfortunately her chair from the top was no longer there but she was able to lean against the wall long enough to get to the bedroom.
As she flopped down on bed, I smiled and lay down next to her.
As the sun passes through the curtains is shine lightly on her face, her eyes reflecting the light, and her hair appears to be golden.
"You look so beautiful right now Meri" I cooed gently pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Meredith's POV
I smile as Arizona pushes the hair behind my ear, I've never been so relaxed or felt so cared for and loved as I do with Zona. I feel myself slowly leaning forward, my body desperate for her embrace.

Arizona's POV

As I look at Meredith I feel her coming closer, slowly my eyes drift down from her eyes to her lips. As she gets closer I can't break my eyes away, I look back to her face and she nods slowly, before I lean forward her lips meeting mine. It's a slow kiss but it's full of love, I brush my tongue along her lip asking permission to enter. Her lips part and my tongue enters meeting hers. Gently I bring my hand to her face cupping her cheek before pulling away from the kiss. I open my eyes and they meet hers, except she has tears in her eyes.
A: what's wrong, did you not want to?
M: no, I...I..I'm happy, I've never been kissed like that. I felt soft and sweet and like you truely loved me.

Meredith's POV
As soon as I realised what I said I froze, I'd just told Arizona I loved her or sort of really I told her she loved me. Oh god what have I done.

Arizona's POV
I watch Meredith face after she says that,
A: hey I know what your thinking, it's ok I love you.
I say back knowing she's freaking out,
M: I love you too,
She answers looking back into my eyes, I can see they are filling with tears again.
A: what's wrong, my love why are you crying.
M: I...I've never been loved by someone other than Lexie. I didn't think anyone would ever love me truly flaws and all.
She answered and my heart broke the poor girl.
A: I love every single part of you Meredith,
I answered moving myself so I was sitting above her.
A: I love your nose, and your ears, and body and most of all your smile.
I say punctuating each body part with a kiss
M: thank you Zona.
She whispers looking up at me as I lean down to kiss her again, this time not as long but still just as meaningful.
A: ok my love now get some sleep, I'll wake you before Derek comes home.
I say moving back next to her.
M: zona?
She asks quietly,
A: yeah,
M: can you sing for me.
A: certainly
I smile before I start to sing what I'm now calling our song.
A: I'll be your candle on the water,
My love for you will always burn.
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting.
Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn.
As I sing she moved her head so it's resting on my chest. I smile kissing her head lightly before continuing to sing.
A: I'll be your candle on the water,
'Till every wave is warm and bright.
My soul is there beside you,
Let this candle guide you.
Soon you'll see a golden stream of light.
A cold and friendless tide has found you,
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down.
I'll paint a ray of hope around you,
Circling in the air,
Lighted by a prayer.
I'll be your candle on the water,
This flame inside of me will grow.
Keep holding on, you'll make it,
Here's my hand so take it.
Look for me, reaching out to show,
As sure as rivers flow,
I'll never let you go.
I'll never let you go.
I'll never let you go...

Authors Note
Hope you liked this chapter, some nice little sweet Merzona scenes.
Please leave comments and suggestions.

What do you reckons going to happen next.

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