37. Phone Call

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Arizona's POV

Callie and I had just gotten home and I know I need to tell her, I need to tell her about Meredith.
C: how was your day with Meredith?
A: oh not to bad, as I said once we got home we just rested, I helped her make dinner. That was about it.
I answered, I wasn't lying but I didn't mention that I slept with Meredith lying on my chest.
A: I'm going to go get Sofia settled
I say leaving the room. I don't want to lie to her,

Hr an hour later.
I re-enter the room and Callie is just finishing up preparing dinner.
C: was she fussy tonight?
A: yeah, she didn't want to go to sleep, she's good now though.
I answer honestly.
C: you ok?
A: Yeah I'm fine, let's eat dinner.
As we eat dinner me and Callie chat,
C: hey I found out about Meredith's leg
A: oh?
I asked,
C: I'm not supposed to tell you this, is a violation of Hippa
A: I know but please
C: apparently when they went in to fix her leg they found the bone in her thigh was not properly fused it appeared it had been broken before and healed incorrectly so they had to remove it.
Oh god, I wonder how long ago she broke her leg, just as I'm wondering Callie's phone begins to ring,
C: that's weird it says your calling me
A: oh my god give it to me
C: what what's wrong
A: please just give it to me,
Callie passed me her phone,
A: Meredith is that you are you ok?
M: zona...
Then the line went silent,
A: Meredith!!
I yelled into the phone
C: Arizona what's going on
A: we need to go now
C: what where
A: to Meredith's house,
C: why
A: I'll explain on the way grab Sofia we need to go now.

Callie's POV
I'm so confused, why does have Arizona phone, why do you need to go there. Somethings going on she's not telling me.
C: please Arizona tell me what's going on
I ask as I load Sofia into the care, something tells me that I should just follow. As I start driving I turn to Arizona again,
C: please Arizona tell me what's going on.
A: it's... oh whatever, it's Meredith she's hurt. Derek he's been abusing her, I've been trying to help where I can but she can't leave cause he's got not parental right to Zola and he doesn't hurt Zola only her so if she leaves he'll get to keep Zola
She explains, I'm shocked how, what
C: how, what, when did you find out
A: after the crash
She answers quietly.

Arizona's POV
I know Meredith asked me not to tell anyone but I didn't have a choice Callie was going to see anyway.
C: oh my god, how serious?
A: sometimes it's worse than others, right now I have a feelings it's bad.
I explain, I don't know why I do I just do I know this times going to be worse than others. We are silent for a minute before I watch Callie's face change
C: her fingers?
A: yeah that was Derek, he was angry she and I where using sign.
I explained, Callie knew I'd learnt sign for Meredith.
C: oh
A: is something wrong?
C:no yes.. I mean, I kinda mentioned to Derek that I treated her fingers today.
She said half whispering
A: you what?
C: I um..I didn't know I just wanted to check how she was I figured she would have told Derek
A: oh god, we have to get there now. He told her not to tell anyone, he smashed her phone that's why she has mine.
Oh my god, this is bad. It feels like forever before we get to Meredith's house, as soon as we do I jump out of the car,
A: oh my god!
I yell as I see her, lying face down on the ground in the front of the steps, it's pouring and she soaked.
A: Meredith!
I run over to her, but she doesn't respond, I feel Callie next to me.
C: Meredith?
She asks moving around to lightly shake Meredith,
As she rolls Meredith over I see her face is bloody, and she's got a cut on her forehead.
A: oh my god Callie,
I cry, Callie gently picks her up, as she does I hear a soft noise cut through the rain.
M: mmona
A: Meredith
M: zona?
She says again,
A: yes Meredith it's me it's zona it's ok we are going to get you to the hospital,
M: Zozo
She moans as Callie moves her I can see on her face she's in pain.
A: it's ok Mer I'm right here
M: no Zozo
She moaned again as Callie loads her into the back of the car, we don't have time to wait for a ambulance
A: I'm right here. Zona's right here I've got you
M: no Zozo
She protest this time getting annoyed
M: Zozo
M: my baby
She cried
C: Arizona she means Zola, Zola must still me in the house with Derek
Callie answers before rushing back to the front door.
C: it's locked!
She yells,
A: I have a key,
I yell back moving into the car so that Meredith's head is on my lap. Callie runs back to me and grabs the spare key I'd forgotten to return earlier today, she suddenly disappears into the house, the seconds she's in there feel like hours but she suddenly emerges with Zola in her arms.
C: I've got her,
Callie said running back to the car, as I look back down I notice Meredith falling asleep on my lap.
A: hey hey you need to stay awake for me Meredith, it's ok.
C: we don't have a car seat for Zola?
Callie asks as she reaches the car
A: just pass her to me I'll hold
I say I know it's not safe but we need to get Meredith to the hospital and we need to get out of here.

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed this chapter,
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Hopefully Meredith is going to be ok.

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